1d0 < Only in usb mini 37mb: apps 3,234c2 < 101d100 < < All the rastas were in the club Singing songs out a guy outa luck As if luck were a cell by and by He killed a man here touch the sky Now the police come a knockin You must out hell's a poppin We're worried for you crybaby cry < 586,593c585 < < There once was a man a police < < Nabbed a special from see eye dee < < On inspecting her border < < The cock was in order < < That interested man a police < < < < Eden police its a spinoff of beach police eden police where everyone tell < < the truth < --- < > The beach is a nice place. < 972,975c964 < < blend in but I see bad morals luckily west has Saudi morale police too but < < they let these women ride horses they let even children which is okay but < < some of them have a disease they age faster they go down this waterslide < < very fast < --- < > blend in but I see bad morals but they let these women ride horses they let even children which is okay butso me of them have a disease they age faster they go down this waterslide very fast < 989,1003d977 < < With pieces of paper used as missiles < < And hats landing on magazines < < His mood became rather fissile < < And the children sight unseen < < Being very hot on child protection < < The law was brought into force < < He spent a night under police section < < With a cereal bar to run its course < < < < There once was a soldier named glover < < witnessed an officer taking cover < < He asked him with kindness < < Is it wanking or blindness < < That military policeman by the name of glover < < < 1038,1045d1011 < < We love you business model wedding! < < K-pop balloon bombs we dig it < < International nuclear weapons construction inspection ticket touts < < unmasked! What should be in the news today < < The police direct traffic your children say they got attacked in school? We < < ca be't afford send you to school! Get back factory! < < Where is your father anyway that no good he sits on englishwomans lawn one < < day a year < 1096,1102d1061 < < The police aren't here it's an ambulance for the dead mouse you made bogus < < claims regarding the plague about yesterday now the Israelites began to say < < amongst themselves that the irrigation channels were to be redug after the < < flood but that king Nebuchadnezzar was withholding his tithe and that the < < fields would become as a wrapping upon a pond so they called upon the king < < whom they respected to appoint a chief overseer to the labrynthine works < < < 1126,1131d1084 < < A policewoman named Bethany sue < < Said here's a form and some pens for you too < < To a criminal liar < < She said fill it in higher < < What a policewoman Bethany sue < < < 1188,1190d1140 < < Hearsay evidence guy and the police pounce < < She grabbed her man like it was pounce < < Silly police hat with her purring acquaintance < 1197,1202d1146 < < There was once an ordinary vagabond Within the police's grip. Casual user < < of Antigone but for the moment beyond a trip. The cell was very familiar As < < he'd said a few things before. Nothing in particular just a few themes to < < explore. But he kept this in mind still He mused upon the tale. Jacob's < < father being repencilled With his sorry ass in jail. < < < 1209,1212d1152 < < Light oil bubbles up into carpark under nissan yoda meanwhile man covered < < in a lighter shade of blue tattoos talks to female police officer in bid to < < appear both scary and scaried < < < 1522,1536d1461 < < the devil knows the address of my heart if we were to marry and have a son < < I would leave you < < For many a year my father and only child doted on my mother until the day < < it came to me to be made a Jew upon that day in despair he left he took his < < coffee with him and retired into the world of mathematic my mother took < < many lovers for this I don't blame her but my brother's and sisters have < < not known true happiness nor how to live in g-d's grace with their children < < That my good fortune prevailed with my enemies powder proving blank I put < < down to daily prayers and regular church attendance I am fit taking regular < < morning exercise and practicing abstinence from the detestable cane < < It only prevails upon me to arrange various matters at a time and place of < < our mutual pleasure the aforementioned missive having been distributed to < < the people leaving the wigs in an unfortunate predicament all our support < < to them and the police flower arranging society < < < 1646,1651d1570 < < Try no police nothing < < Pretty girl friday night something < < Pupils dilated < < The big anticipated < < You made bail but its an overnight crossing < < < 1668,1670d1586 < < We cross this rising water < < We run from police < < We think we can tell you < 1910,1962d1825 < < An architectural student < < Was consigned to the loony bin < < His belief in g-d imprudent < < And his behaviour verging on sin < < In a wayward bid for freedom < < He designed a parachute < < But on testing it over Reading < < It working was rather obtuse < < On being transferred to another location < < He was struck by a powerful thought < < In the design of transportation < < His freedom could be bought < < Jumping up in amazement < < With children in near sight < < Their parents found an engagement < < And a man decided to fight < < With pieces of paper used as missiles < < And hats landing on magazines < < His mood became rather fissile < < And the children sight unseen < < Being very hot on child protection < < The law was brought into force < < He spent a night under police section < < With a cereal bar to run its course < < Being dubious of his status < < He pressed for an alarm call < < His mother informed of the hiatus < < And his stepfather brought into it all < < Being a renowned academic < < He was out in throws of a dice < < With strict instructions to limit < < Any shows of avarice < < With jesus up in heaven < < Looking on from afar < < They decided it best to leaven < < Bread on kind of altar < < Do you think prefer the ridiculous < < To holy and devout ways < < We could be over meticulous < < Or claim they've been led astray < < Virgins in the temple < < Dancing upon a star < < Man's equipment being preemptive < < He'd have rather created a car < < Societies throughout history < < Have dealt with the issues so far < < The greeks being fond of mystery < < And the jews leaving little of a scar < < To a muslim the thought of alcohol < < Brings the women up in hives < < Except for the pakistani < < Where we'd rather live our lives < < < 1981,1982d1843 < < A guy in convo with the police. Stated his name and his place of business. He had to talk loudly as to the croudly. Now he sits all alone in one piece. < < < 2131,2132c1992,1993 < < A woman had her stitches removed. A biopsy for tongue and groove. The catholics big talkers while executing marauders. Its medicine we should plemzoon < < Hot fuzz the show is unique. A man joins in with police. Reservoir dogs but women in clogs. Its like theres no police. < --- < > A woman had her stitches removed. A biopsy for tongue and groove. The catholics big talkers while executing marauders. Its medicine we should plemzoon. < > Hot fuzz the show is unique. Reservoir dogs but women in clogs. < 2172,2174d2032 < < While looking for bombs in the choir. A policewoman intoned to a liar Its only a jacket Now spread your packet. < < now yours truly sings one octave higher < < < 2187,2194d2044 < < < < Just for talking the second time round < < The pedo is known all around < < The policewoman arousing < < No contact with women espousing < < The bail around the little finger is wound < < < < < 2236,2237d2085 < < Its a play on ken do you like following schoolgirls around? Do you like girls in school uniforms? We need someone to play the policewoman its a straight part full of streetsmarts ken with john as the unwitting dupe of a sex plot johns confused he's gay but he doesn't accept the reality of the situation neither does his girlfriend the other policewoman says are you sure you haven't got anything better to do on a friday night? But johns a self employees ding songwriter impresario so he's confused < < < 2256,2257d2103 < < The policewoman wants your name. Like a crime is some kind of game. I don't understand you get days off per lampstand. To provoke a crime is written the same < < < 2260c2106 < < As i was saying i am on my way to visit yitsack iterman to whom i have been endebted for some time for his remarkable legal wrangling during the case of the missing evidence. My career in the police having been unfortunately curtailed ahead of schedule i had happened upon yitsack while we both studied art as mature and to some extent reluctant students. Looking out of the viewing platform i noticed the world continued to revolve as necessitated by the rights of physical laws as administered by the department of government my documents concerned nevertheless the recent spate of arrests of schoolchildren had left the streets bereft of their usual sociability. < --- < > As i was saying i am on my way to visit yitsack iterman to whom i have been endebted for some time for his remarkable legal wrangling during the case of the missing evidence. My career having been unfortunately curtailed ahead of schedule i had happened upon yitsack while we both studied art as mature and to some extent reluctant students. Looking out of the viewing platform i noticed the world continued to revolve as necessitated by the rights of physical laws as administered by the department of government my documents concerned nevertheless the recent spate of arrests of schoolchildren had left the streets bereft of their usual sociability. < 2332,2333d2177 < < Peggy peggo pegleg and his schoolfriend libel mike argued over numbers that one time like neither want the other's life plans to stay in the car park police van mooching about round here get to know local vicar Eaton Rifles Winchester Cathedral organist et cetera < < < 2380,2382c2224 < < An old Russian couple with a young child Ken made me think of the Bible story of someone who was barren then even though she was 100 years old g-d gave her a child. Then i thought of the night journey of Mohammed all praises and mercy be unto him and that song by the proclaimers i could walk 500 miles. I had another idea about anyone in the police could get a grant to become an art student but a guy suggested he was pulling out a gun KGB style from a shoulder holster. < < < < Voting labour is a chocolatiers charter thats another announcement but it was to a group of Chinese or Japanese tourists so i don't think they understood. Oh and anyone with a total of n brothers and sisters is to be made under the loony left to have the opinion that it is the correct number but the next time one of them Italians it was was drumming on a post. Quentin Tarantino his oeuvre got a mention the police's authority is to be extended to cover that alternative reality so beloved of the works of Quentin Tarantino g-d bless him no libel action intended.  < --- < > An old Russian couple with a young child Ken made me think of the Bible story of someone who was barren then even though she was 100 years old g-d gave her a child. Then i thought of the night journey of Mohammed all praises and mercy be unto him and that song by the proclaimers i could walk 500 miles. < 2396,2397d2237 < < Turns out I already voted oh deary me check out that guy in the swimming pool! Some stamina maybe he's read woman in white? So anyway he tells the police his name and address the host < < < 2595,2596d2434 < < Having had the honour of working hand in hand with the police forces who so steadfastly and earnestly endeavour to maintain the peace in those places so devoid of conflict through the ages that their labours appear the more fruitless. For is it not the fruit upon the bough that is itself an act of Christian charity to the faithless? He who loves in Christ is beloved to Christ that he ransoms himself to salvation. To this it is that thou lovest Christ he that listens to you through your teaching. So it is I too that can overhear Christ in the lesson suffering the children to come unto me. < < < 2684c2522 < < Crying ghost tried to get into the van last night. Great night's sleep dream catcher greatest present ever. Got involved with a woman her footsteps on the stairs very meaningful. Woman simply walked past and up the stairs totally ignored her. Old lady sits in the grovesnor shopping centre comfy settees now rather than the library where she used to sleep over a newspaper. Old lady very spiritedly sits down and pours over the gazetter of rhino political happenings refuses to sit in the grovesnor shopping arcade the seating is old and smelly. Police officers mistake people wearing all black clothing for fellow police officers. Police complaints commission dismisses case against officer who arrested a man on the claims of a fellow police officer. < --- < > Crying ghost tried to get into the van last night. Great night's sleep dream catcher greatest present ever. Got involved with a woman her footsteps on the stairs very meaningful. Woman simply walked past and up the stairs totally ignored her. Old lady sits in the grovesnor shopping centre comfy settees now rather than the library where she used to sleep over a newspaper. Old lady very spiritedly sits down and pours over the gazetter of rhino political happenings refuses to sit in the grovesnor shopping arcade the seating is old and smelly. < 2734c2572 < < We stratify society based on erect penis size. Two inches or smaller go into police to avoid crime wave. Eight inches or larger are the big bosses. Human society never submits to a simple classification by alien intelligence. We shall never bow down to the capitalist fascists and their methods. < --- < > We stratify society based on erect penis size. Eight inches or larger are the big bosses. Human society never submits to a simple classification by alien intelligence. We shall never bow down to the capitalist fascists and their methods. < 2746,2747d2583 < < Coogan's Cock a zeitgeist of our time running the gamut from small wienered police constable paranoid about uniforms to king schlong uberboss of a international rail company all based on the hook the conceit of audience participation in a simulated simulation lays down boundaries we never knew existed. Coogan's Cock Blocker in am overbearing homage to his sexual inadequacy Steve Croogan bears all in an attempt to show the high hats and tall in the light of a drug addiction so passé it verges on heroin induced cataplexy at times. < < < 2762,2763d2597 < < One large comedy phallus was vandalised in riots fanned by local government's objections to a universal credit scheme aimed at reducing criminal activity. Residents were stunned when they woke to find a police acrobatics team forming various human towers in a homage to the karma sutra. < < < 2786,2787d2619 < < A joke book for those in power. There is an overpopulation problem. A joke book for the police. Its all about uniforms. A recent surge in the publishing industry has effectively collapsed seeing investors struggling with overspends on the extreme ends of the condom sector. < < < 2834,2835d2665 < < So ends the moo. Now what for the uncontactable tribes of Peru? Life's a beach. Psychiatric medication or church representation? Kids on the street police on the beat. Mental asylum or imprisoned by phylum. Taxonomy or lobotomy that is the moo. < < < 2856,2857d2685 < < Retired Computer Tech. Lava tunnel modelling. Its the Peugeot 308 very nippy quick acceleration from a standing start. Useful police vehicle after the well documented problems with tickover and hard driving associated with british police work. Here's my chart of chess styles genealogical (sppeklcheck) style diagram Fischer bobby created various openings which are still widely used. < < < 2876,2877d2703 < < Consider this a five pound note if you will or some business accounts registered to the tax office its what we do in England like a Venn diagram of what not to do intersected with the yanks and what they don't have on their diagram Ken. He who protects his name are we g-ds to the police Ken? A simple yes or no would suffice. Well thats the monotheistic g-d there was that other one who protected his name for quite a while then blew it only to do some really great protecting at a late stage then theres the hindu ones with the sex books about contraception i can teach sex ed ken can you? < < < 2910a2737,3907 < > --- > 2911a2912,4041 504a273,274 > > The interdimensional cop show. The police chase the criminals across the dimensions. If they can claim they were drunk then the i police accept it wasn't an interdimensional crime at all. Cheers! > > 519c289,290 < > artists .. teachers .. politicians .. negotiators .. Its a difficult question to tackle. --- > > Police .. artists .. teachers .. politicians .. negotiators .. > > Its a difficult question to tackle. 545a317,318 > > Talking loudly in public that's free speech that's sacrosanct or the police are up against the adjudicators because the police are sacrosanct thats the speech police. > > 573a347,353 > > Have sex with woman > > Don't have sex > > Have sex with something except woman > > Go to mental hospital > > Get arrested by police > > Genesis movements just car done > > 591a372,373 > > Day after day suffering imposter syndrome. Worrying about the very poorly kids in the unit. Everyone very supportive. Some even resort to stimulants to keep going. Thank g-d we can depend on the police to root out the menace of imposter syndrome. > > 736a519,520 > > Man seen transforming into pink suitcase with wheels following convo with police. He came in quietly said a police spokesperson. > > 807c591 < > We all get attacks of the vagaries! Mein kampf swastika zeig heil! Unemployment benefit for records. DNA fingerprint eradication from space. Guten mein block Hofstadter. --- > > We all get attacks of the vagaries! Mein kampf swastika zeig heil! Police inclusive special offer shocks of mighty. Unemployment benefit for records. DNA fingerprint eradication from space. Guten mein block Hofstadter. 812a597,598 > > Branching out from tractor manuals to police training courses. Steak broccoli and peas followed by plums and custard. > > 815c601 < > ninety four year old frenchman dead and gone and having made a vow of chastity is vilified or savilled in france for child romps and sex antics with adult females is nothing sacred? Hunting Ghislaine another book review Private Eye mentioned a few times. Robert Maxwell psychopath check one of four brothers check had eight kids to mirror his entire family squashed in the holocaust check family of farm labourers owned a string of newspapers am i going to fast? check weighed 22 stone at his pomp shovelled in caviar day and night no mention of pop tarts. --- > > ninety four year old frenchman dead and gone and having made a vow of chastity is vilified or savilled in france for child romps and sex antics with adult females is nothing sacred? Hunting Ghislaine another book review Private Eye mentioned a few times. Robert Maxwell psychopath check one of four brothers check had eight kids to mirror his entire family squashed in the holocaust check family of farm labourers owned a string of newspapers am i going to fast? check weighed 22 stone at his pomp shovelled in caviar day and night no mention of pop tarts. police fail to raid house containing jar of honey. man suspected of scientific investigation. police require more time to protect witnesses signed by the desk sergeant how high does it go? 992a779,781 > > Have you thought anymore about who gets the farm when you die? Have you heard anything from the police? > > > > 1110a900,901 > > Black footballer admits to raping woman he met in nightclub. From our Zimbabwe correspondent. > > 1128a920,921 > > Writer's retreat raided by police. > > 1131c924 < > The over the counter fertility supplements racket. And more. The funeral business. Gyms. Tinfoil helmets. Have you seen the paper? Brants the gents outfitters has been flooded causes by rodent damage to the damp proof course. --- > > The over the counter fertility supplements racket. And more. The funeral business. Ways of increasing police presence on the streets. Gyms. Tinfoil helmets. Have you seen the paper? Brants the gents outfitters has been flooded causes by rodent damage to the damp proof course. 1208a1002,1003 > > We disband the police. Women found taking in washing are flogged. Everyone has three managers. We extend the totalitarian state into the religious sphere like they do in Saudi Arabia g-d bless them and their children. > > 1250a1046,1047 > > Aside from police harassment and drug offenses like drunk driving its the victims that are the criminals oh and being bitten by dogs that too. I stabbed her oopsie what a kid apparently I'm whats known as a tramper. Careful theres no path to that seat on the church grounds its evil. Or just pick them up by the foot at that age they like bring upside down then say do you like that? Whatti do? > > 1336,1566d1132 < > Wave of panic sweeps the west as people wake up in the night cold and hungry fearing g-d fearing for their sanity as a nameless enemy waits on the edges of their consciousness. < > < > Manchester smells of gas. Dangerous gas. Its cold out there in Manchester. Cold and hungry and frightened in the dark. Thermals and sleeping bag and duvet. Travellers rest. They can take the source code of your app but not the app not the apk file. Oh waiting to hear? Waiting for news? Too bad binned for lack of fettling. < > < > I designed the streets of Gibralta. They're being used. I know they're being used because I wouldn't erode the edges that way. < > < > Japanese survivors of nuclear attack (?) win Nobel Peace Prize. Man flees from nuclear blast (?) in speedboat despite knife injury to hand. Boat found moored in culdesac in well to do dockside neighbourhood. Long curved serated blade with large teeth used for sawing furniture. Wooden furniture must be made planar. Excesive ornamentation of joints resulting in nonplanar surfaces are to be reformed a process which results in animals speaking. Birds with bird eyes not interested in looking behind them at bird in nest showing egg. Large guillimot bird born to cuckooing parents. Duck sings song about intelligence in cheerful self contentment twice. Man takes cover from nuclear blast (?) in family cellar. Prefers smaller room newly modernised with large double glazing. Bomb effects ramp up in intensity. < > < > Megariches.com took them to the cleaners. Pulled the plug on the Kino heist nobody showed due respect. Still first spin a winner. Roulette with ornamental flourescent blue outlines to elongated numerals paying out on the lower 2:1 row. < > < > Playing a little on the online casino sorts out my numbers. Gets the numbers on the level again. Oh you want to make a withdrawal? OK svan of the driving license scan of the utility bill scan of the credit card little photoshop skill required scan of the bank balance OK only joking. < > < > You want to setup a crew in England? A buncha wise guys? You have to deal with the hindu. You're gonna get the call. Could this be about the NHS. Sure it is my boy! NHS loft insulation. < > < > Playing a little on the online casino sorts out my numbers. Gets the numbers on the level again. Oh you want to make a withdrawl? OK svan of the driving license scan of the utility bill scan of the credit card little photoshop skill required scan of the bank balance OK only joking. < > < > Some greaseball shit. Smells of oil. < > < > Do I have a cold or am I allergic to the weather? Is the anti anxiety medication which was used to render the woman unconscious and seriously affected her health in the french rape case available in your shop? P.S. having all your teeth out might be a better solution than alcoholism. Giving a straightforward reply is like giving a kiss. Proverbs 24:26. < > < > What of the evil pervert that is hiding in the welsh valleys? Is there no justice are we to surrender to welsh raiders and their mushrooms? Job 24 They have no covering against the cold they are drenched by the mountain rains and huddle against the rock for lack of shelter. They snatch the fatherless infant from the breast and seize the child of the poor as a pledge. Thats enough Job Ed. < > < > Exquisite gesture control at 16 seconds. The semicircular arc had me spinning like a hog roast. A hog roast! Also keep your hands down. < > < > Would you like to stock farteze the sleep aid that guarantees a good nights sleep? < > < > I used to use visual basic but then something changed underneath oh whats it called what does it need? < > < > Since fresh magic mushrooms are now class A (?) drugs following the 2005 legislation (citation needed) do you instead require Fly Agaric mushrooms for sale in the shop? Fly agarics cemetery fresh to your door. < > < > If I was like mad and drunk with power and I decided to ban putrescine why would I ban putrescine and esters of putrescine because chemistry. Note entire section liable to be removed. See the creation of a new republic. < > < > If you ask a chemist a question. A chemist who recently bought a furnace bigger than his fume hood but then his latest video about his new furnace bigger than his fume hood evaporates should you ask somebody else? Lets find out else you will become like him. Answer a dullard in accord with his folly else he will think himself wise Proverbs 26. < > < > Storyhouse theatre Richard Ayoade great show left leaning I thought small criticism he looked like a girl. < > < > Succeeded in destroying one of nilered's evil videos by positing a query challenging g-d's relationship with man via the scottish assembly and the book of ester that must be my uber. < > < > The toilet roll never lies. There it is staring you in the face. No explanation. Except your friend just got the all clear. Its a tough ask. Tough comedy never lies. Wow manchester's maddie. The hard pressed bine. Is that woodbine? New testament reading. Echoes of the conflict in the Ukraine. Too right book of Maccabees thought it would never end. Rap muhammed in the house don't talk to the muslims about fortification. Levenstein distance keep your levenstein distance from those kids! < > < > Sale cemetery. We climb over the railings bag ourselves a few rawhides. A few of the red spotted. Amanita Muscara. And I am a neater mascara woooo! Seriously "marijuana the truth about drugfreeworld.com" even includes pamphlet about Alcohol. "A small amount of one-off bleeding from the bottom is not usually a serious problem. But a GP can check." NHS result. < > < > Spare a thought for the cleverest person in the world. Bernard Mainframe. < > < > The music lag on youtube you backpage the sound carries on then cuts out then starts up again. Pushies (?) tunable pop tarts but inedible. < > < > I subscribed to everybody's youtube channel in Britain. I'm not rich but I had great fun subscribing to everybody's youtube channel in Britain and I made a lot of friends! < > < > Long live the ministry of propaganda. Shizzle. Whats a character? Expose more hoaxes H.F. Dark web. 3 weeks. < > < > So this moo gets virgin moo for three weeks enabling youmoo the video like moo. For apps see Petra Nalevka (Urbandroid). < > < > So I turn around and its Snoop Dogg in da house! Crazy days. But my phone falls out of my bag which I am using. I have to use this bicycle left pannier for my things. I'm really trying you know. < > < > They enter the reproductive phase just once for a lunar month through the action of a chemical scientists are struggling to identify. Like the discovery of penicillin which went unnoticed for many years the eel continues to astound us as one of natures wonders in the watery depths of the South Seas. < > < > Maybe just maybe menstruating women are attracted to groups of teebagers. < > < > Stand here. Its the arousal routine again checking the plumbing. Bit of a drag roof blown off and the whole place being turned into a creche next year. < > < > As a child I heard a story about men that when their organ became stiff they had to be with a woman. But what devil would tell such a story to a child except that they were then to find a woman for themselves? I should point out that I spent some of my childhood not as a Jew. < > < > So I am saying this man and his wiener they don't get along. Like its on a spring. And the modesty of these young women. Look at my dictionary here. Now the law thanks be to g-d for the elders. < > < > The music lag on youtube you backpage the sound carries on then cuts out then starts up again. Pushies (?) tunable pop tarts but inedible. < > < > I subscribed to everybody's youtube channel in Britain. I'm not rich but I had great fun sunscribing to everybody's youtube channel in Britain and I made a lot of friends! < > < > The toilet roll never lies. There it is staring you in the face. No explanation. Except your friend just got the all clear. Its a tough ask. Tough comedy never lies. Wow manchester's maddie. The hard pressed bine. Is that woodbine? New testament reading. Echoes of the conflict in the Ukraine. Too right book of Maccabees thought it would never end. Rap muhammed in the house don't talk to the muslims about fortification. Levenstein distance keep your levenstein distance from those kids! < diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/misc/quizzes.html" "usb mini 37mb/misc/quizzes.html" < 38d37 < < in a cell
< 44c43 < < freed from prison
< --- < > enemy at the gates
< 144c143 < < scrotland the place where everyone is nice
< --- < > scrotland the place where everyone is nice
< 160c159 < < wear a suit go to church more
< --- < > wear a suit go to church more
< 208c207 < < a tribe in the jungle bash heads as part of what they do its a way to
< --- < > a tribe in the jungle bash heads as part of what they do its a way to
< 244c243 < < all the michael jackson's of his friend were killed that very same day we saw the police there earlier so we knew somebody was going to be killed as it says in ezra the old men who had seen the first house wept loudly at the sight of the founding of this house
< --- < > we knew somebody was going to be killed as it says in ezra the old men who had seen the first house wept loudly at the sight of the founding of this house
< 252c251 < < have an argument on a trolleybus
< --- < > have an argument on a trolleybus
< 438c437 < < good enough to be english
< --- < > good enough to be english
< 463c462 < < open british police stations in china
< --- < > the conservative party
< 535c534 < < need a medical explanation for invasive surgery
< --- < > need a medical explanation for invasive surgery
< 539d537 < < a man is near a touch and go killer getting a foot massage
< 573c571 < < feeding the five thousand
< --- < > feeding the five thousand
< 614c612 < < a dog is forced to touch a telephone
< --- < > a dog is forced to touch a telephone
< 767c765 < < set fire to them all annually
< --- < > set fire to them all annually
< 770c768 < < he's parked on his drop interseting place where he goes
< --- < > he's parked on his drop interseting place where he goes
< 807d804 < < the dove from above
< 831c828 < < after a hard day trying to park in the city centre its understandable to blow off a bit of steam outside your house and praise jesus
< --- < > after a hard day trying to park in the city centre its understandable to blow off a bit of steam outside your house and praise jesus
< 843d839 < < arson and arsonists
< 938c934 < < chickens
< --- < > chickens
< 960c956 < < the wasps getting into the ventilation holes of the van you turf one out another comes in
< --- < > the wasps getting into the ventilation holes of the van you turf one out another comes in
< 1070c1066 < < airplanes
< --- < > airplanes
< 1132c1128 < < wales
< --- < > wales
< 1213c1209 < < the inference generator
< --- < > the inference generator
< 1224c1220 < < england
< --- < > england
< 1284c1280 < < same sex
< --- < > same sex
< 1364,1365c1360,1361 < < jesus christ
< < plays
< --- < > jesus christ
< > plays
< 1439d1434 < < i don't know where this is going either i'm in the police force somehow
< 1468c1463 < < the police
< --- < > enemy at the gates
< 1498d1492 < < we're about to release footage of a black person being killed by police
< diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/misc/theyneedtoknowwhatititsomehow.txt" "usb mini 37mb/misc/theyneedtoknowwhatititsomehow.txt" < 63,64d62 < < the police come find a man with a man with an axe in his head he refused to acknowledge g-d he dead already < < < 181c179 < < tee vee comic nineteen seventy two still got the edition in front of me drove me mad all those years ago that cartoon of little johnny at school there he is again on police video camera or cam as its refer anyway tazer the dope smoking entitled youths that used to be scared of going to prison there's only so many police the police are ever going to warrant similar to me never budge an inch never pander to the devil as we've always been taught sure we could write a computer program to parse a car registration plate producing matches for year and nationality we ain't going to and ever since all my nice emails have been returned into the spam folder from that nice man < --- < > tee vee comic nineteen seventy two still got the edition in front of me drove me mad all those years ago that cartoon of little johnny at school < 231c229 < < overburdening of the health system a police matter < --- < > overburdening of the health system < 295,297c293 < < szeina and marushka continued to meet over the years szeina a jewish woman from nearby eishyshok whom the family of marashka their daughter helped to save from the holocaust the family became so close to szeina they travelled with her as a displaced person travelling with her to poland probably the only jews for want of a better word to travel with a cow so the two spoke in their shared language of yiddish especially to avoid being understood by her ukranian born husband or her canadian born children or grandchildren story abridged from there once was a world yaffa eliach < < < < when the unmarried daughter of the tailor shlomo the amalekite became pregnant she concealed her condition when her father learned the truth of her stomach ailment in a moment of rage he took a shoelace and strangled the newborn baby the dead infant was placed in black suitcase which featured in the press' coverage as the case of the black suitcase the suitcase was given to the baby's father an eishyshkian shoemaker so that he could take him back to eishyshok and bury him as the baby's mother has asked to be taken to hospital in vilna for her stomach cramps however on the way to the train station the young man was stopped by the polish police the case opened and the baby proclaimed to be a polish victim of a jewish rutual murder with the financial assistance of a number of people in the shtetl the family of shlomo the amalekite hired one of the top jewish lawyers in the country who had defended mendel beilis in an earlier blood libel case but the trial became complicated when the shoemaker's communist connections were revealed and he had to serve a longer jail term than the actual murderer shlomo eventually the father was influenced by rabbi rozowski to marry the mother of his dead child in jail and when he was released he and his wife were able to live a normal life in the shtetl < --- < > szeina and marushka continued to meet over the years szeina a jewish woman from nearby eishyshok whom the family of marashka their daughter helped to save from the holocaust the family became so close to szeina they travelled with her as a displaced person travelling with her to poland probably the only jews for want of a better word to travel with a cow so the two spoke in their shared language of yiddish especially to avoid being understood by her ukranian born husband or her canadian born children or grandchildren story abridged from there once was a world yaffa eliach "when the unmarried daughter of the tailor shlomo the amalekite became pregnant she concealed her condition when her father learned the truth of her stomach ailment in a moment of rage he took a shoelace and strangled the newborn baby the dead infant was placed in black suitcase which featured in the press' coverage as the case of the black suitcase the suitcase was given to the baby's father an eishyshkian shoemaker so that he could take him back to eishyshok and bury him as the baby's mother has asked to be taken to hospital in vilna for her stomach cramps however on the way to the train station the young man was stopped by the polish police the case opened and the baby proclaimed to be a polish victim of a jewish rutual murder with the financial assistance of a number of people in the shtetl the family of shlomo the amalekite hired one of the top jewish lawyers in the country who had defended mendel beilis in an earlier blood libel case but the trial became complicated when the shoemaker's communist connections were revealed and he had to serve a longer jail term than the actual murderer shlomo eventually the father was influenced by rabbi rozowski to marry the mother of his dead child in jail and when he was released he and his wife were able to live a normal life in the shtetl" < 496c492 < < you me and the balloons the inmersive exhibition about normality what luck to have a chat and her friend is doing something about the balloons at the moment we had to hire a car to take her there there was this smell we stopped the police arrived and cordoned off we were stuck up the snake pass with no insurance? it cost three hundred pounds we had to get a train and a bus and a taxi < --- < > you me and the balloons the inmersive exhibition about normality < 519c515 < < hershey bar two point zero is in the shops now note police are in the muslim shop queing with the mobster energy drink in the hand < --- < > hershey bar two point zero is in the shops now < 716c712 < < note note the false head under the policeman's helmet how impressive! < --- < > note note the false head under the helmet how impressive! animatronic papier mache see totalpap < 762,763c758 < < stand by lift just walk away as foreign weeb talks to you so begins the game of cat and mouse oh your english is good! note maybe you've heard don't talk to the police here we have a friendly is everything okay sir you know the type of shop or can i look at your jacket? well youi are doing so no < < death! by cemetary we eat dangerberries < --- < > by cemetary we eat dangerberries < 1058c1053 < < work on yourself growth wes watson these phones they show patterns to my brain in the car turn the page its already filled in but its just been written one blank line note two cars one driver occupant engines running ahead of a road closed between dates and times possibly too then the road bollards raised then a police car did i mention the police are there or thereabouts all day long even to arrest from the pawn shop he stands there outside in a suit looking tough i say hello i raise my hat he doesn't look so tough anymore but these people you have to go in with them < --- < > work on yourself growth wes watson these phones they show patterns to my brain in the car turn the page its already filled in but its just been written one blank line note two cars one driver occupant engines running ahead of a road closed between dates and times possibly too then the road bollards raised from the pawn shop he stands there outside in a suit looking tough i say hello i raise my hat he doesn't look so tough anymore but these people < 1146c1141 < < lots of sneezing going on and people in various degrees of spitting note he's talking to the police later wear a hardwearing suit < --- < > lots of sneezing going on and people in various degrees of spitting < 1323d1317 < < a cloud punched me plus a police presence the moomins a free concert with two records played at once polka salsa tandy love owe with a bar across and an aitch cirencester design foundation and canvas bag is nothing sacred plus a treasure hunt counting colours on a flag paintbrushes and characters in a story < diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/o.html" "usb mini 37mb/o.html" < 31a32,35 < > ├── apps
< > │   ├── animals.apk
< > │   ├── app-debug.apk
< > │   └── debug.txt
< 205c209 < < 18 directories, 151 files < --- < > 19 directories, 154 files