Only in usb mini 37mb: apps diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/misc/end of diff diffs.txt" "usb mini 37mb/misc/end of diff diffs.txt" 101d100 < All the rastas were in the club Singing songs out a guy outa luck As if luck were a cell by and by He killed a man here touch the sky Now the police come a knockin You must out hell's a poppin We're worried for you crybaby cry 586,593c585 < There once was a man a police < Nabbed a special from see eye dee < On inspecting her border < The cock was in order < That interested man a police < < Eden police its a spinoff of beach police eden police where everyone tell < the truth --- > The beach is a nice place. 972,975c964 < blend in but I see bad morals luckily west has Saudi morale police too but < they let these women ride horses they let even children which is okay but < some of them have a disease they age faster they go down this waterslide < very fast --- > blend in but I see bad morals but they let these women ride horses they let even children which is okay butso me of them have a disease they age faster they go down this waterslide very fast 989,1003d977 < With pieces of paper used as missiles < And hats landing on magazines < His mood became rather fissile < And the children sight unseen < Being very hot on child protection < The law was brought into force < He spent a night under police section < With a cereal bar to run its course < < There once was a soldier named glover < witnessed an officer taking cover < He asked him with kindness < Is it wanking or blindness < That military policeman by the name of glover < 1038,1045d1011 < We love you business model wedding! < K-pop balloon bombs we dig it < International nuclear weapons construction inspection ticket touts < unmasked! What should be in the news today < The police direct traffic your children say they got attacked in school? We < ca be't afford send you to school! Get back factory! < Where is your father anyway that no good he sits on englishwomans lawn one < day a year 1096,1102d1061 < The police aren't here it's an ambulance for the dead mouse you made bogus < claims regarding the plague about yesterday now the Israelites began to say < amongst themselves that the irrigation channels were to be redug after the < flood but that king Nebuchadnezzar was withholding his tithe and that the < fields would become as a wrapping upon a pond so they called upon the king < whom they respected to appoint a chief overseer to the labrynthine works < 1126,1131d1084 < A policewoman named Bethany sue < Said here's a form and some pens for you too < To a criminal liar < She said fill it in higher < What a policewoman Bethany sue < 1188,1190d1140 < Hearsay evidence guy and the police pounce < She grabbed her man like it was pounce < Silly police hat with her purring acquaintance 1197,1202d1146 < There was once an ordinary vagabond Within the police's grip. Casual user < of Antigone but for the moment beyond a trip. The cell was very familiar As < he'd said a few things before. Nothing in particular just a few themes to < explore. But he kept this in mind still He mused upon the tale. Jacob's < father being repencilled With his sorry ass in jail. < 1209,1212d1152 < Light oil bubbles up into carpark under nissan yoda meanwhile man covered < in a lighter shade of blue tattoos talks to female police officer in bid to < appear both scary and scaried < 1522,1536d1461 < the devil knows the address of my heart if we were to marry and have a son < I would leave you < For many a year my father and only child doted on my mother until the day < it came to me to be made a Jew upon that day in despair he left he took his < coffee with him and retired into the world of mathematic my mother took < many lovers for this I don't blame her but my brother's and sisters have < not known true happiness nor how to live in g-d's grace with their children < That my good fortune prevailed with my enemies powder proving blank I put < down to daily prayers and regular church attendance I am fit taking regular < morning exercise and practicing abstinence from the detestable cane < It only prevails upon me to arrange various matters at a time and place of < our mutual pleasure the aforementioned missive having been distributed to < the people leaving the wigs in an unfortunate predicament all our support < to them and the police flower arranging society < 1646,1651d1570 < Try no police nothing < Pretty girl friday night something < Pupils dilated < The big anticipated < You made bail but its an overnight crossing < 1668,1670d1586 < We cross this rising water < We run from police < We think we can tell you 1910,1962d1825 < An architectural student < Was consigned to the loony bin < His belief in g-d imprudent < And his behaviour verging on sin < In a wayward bid for freedom < He designed a parachute < But on testing it over Reading < It working was rather obtuse < On being transferred to another location < He was struck by a powerful thought < In the design of transportation < His freedom could be bought < Jumping up in amazement < With children in near sight < Their parents found an engagement < And a man decided to fight < With pieces of paper used as missiles < And hats landing on magazines < His mood became rather fissile < And the children sight unseen < Being very hot on child protection < The law was brought into force < He spent a night under police section < With a cereal bar to run its course < Being dubious of his status < He pressed for an alarm call < His mother informed of the hiatus < And his stepfather brought into it all < Being a renowned academic < He was out in throws of a dice < With strict instructions to limit < Any shows of avarice < With jesus up in heaven < Looking on from afar < They decided it best to leaven < Bread on kind of altar < Do you think prefer the ridiculous < To holy and devout ways < We could be over meticulous < Or claim they've been led astray < Virgins in the temple < Dancing upon a star < Man's equipment being preemptive < He'd have rather created a car < Societies throughout history < Have dealt with the issues so far < The greeks being fond of mystery < And the jews leaving little of a scar < To a muslim the thought of alcohol < Brings the women up in hives < Except for the pakistani < Where we'd rather live our lives < 1981,1982d1843 < A guy in convo with the police. Stated his name and his place of business. He had to talk loudly as to the croudly. Now he sits all alone in one piece. < 2131,2132c1992,1993 < A woman had her stitches removed. A biopsy for tongue and groove. The catholics big talkers while executing marauders. Its medicine we should plemzoon < Hot fuzz the show is unique. A man joins in with police. Reservoir dogs but women in clogs. Its like theres no police. --- > A woman had her stitches removed. A biopsy for tongue and groove. The catholics big talkers while executing marauders. Its medicine we should plemzoon. > Hot fuzz the show is unique. Reservoir dogs but women in clogs. 2172,2174d2032 < While looking for bombs in the choir. A policewoman intoned to a liar Its only a jacket Now spread your packet. < now yours truly sings one octave higher < 2187,2194d2044 < < Just for talking the second time round < The pedo is known all around < The policewoman arousing < No contact with women espousing < The bail around the little finger is wound < < 2236,2237d2085 < Its a play on ken do you like following schoolgirls around? Do you like girls in school uniforms? We need someone to play the policewoman its a straight part full of streetsmarts ken with john as the unwitting dupe of a sex plot johns confused he's gay but he doesn't accept the reality of the situation neither does his girlfriend the other policewoman says are you sure you haven't got anything better to do on a friday night? But johns a self employees ding songwriter impresario so he's confused < 2256,2257d2103 < The policewoman wants your name. Like a crime is some kind of game. I don't understand you get days off per lampstand. To provoke a crime is written the same < 2260c2106 < As i was saying i am on my way to visit yitsack iterman to whom i have been endebted for some time for his remarkable legal wrangling during the case of the missing evidence. My career in the police having been unfortunately curtailed ahead of schedule i had happened upon yitsack while we both studied art as mature and to some extent reluctant students. Looking out of the viewing platform i noticed the world continued to revolve as necessitated by the rights of physical laws as administered by the department of government my documents concerned nevertheless the recent spate of arrests of schoolchildren had left the streets bereft of their usual sociability. --- > As i was saying i am on my way to visit yitsack iterman to whom i have been endebted for some time for his remarkable legal wrangling during the case of the missing evidence. My career having been unfortunately curtailed ahead of schedule i had happened upon yitsack while we both studied art as mature and to some extent reluctant students. Looking out of the viewing platform i noticed the world continued to revolve as necessitated by the rights of physical laws as administered by the department of government my documents concerned nevertheless the recent spate of arrests of schoolchildren had left the streets bereft of their usual sociability. 2332,2333d2177 < Peggy peggo pegleg and his schoolfriend libel mike argued over numbers that one time like neither want the other's life plans to stay in the car park police van mooching about round here get to know local vicar Eaton Rifles Winchester Cathedral organist et cetera < 2380,2382c2224 < An old Russian couple with a young child Ken made me think of the Bible story of someone who was barren then even though she was 100 years old g-d gave her a child. Then i thought of the night journey of Mohammed all praises and mercy be unto him and that song by the proclaimers i could walk 500 miles. I had another idea about anyone in the police could get a grant to become an art student but a guy suggested he was pulling out a gun KGB style from a shoulder holster. < < Voting labour is a chocolatiers charter thats another announcement but it was to a group of Chinese or Japanese tourists so i don't think they understood. Oh and anyone with a total of n brothers and sisters is to be made under the loony left to have the opinion that it is the correct number but the next time one of them Italians it was was drumming on a post. Quentin Tarantino his oeuvre got a mention the police's authority is to be extended to cover that alternative reality so beloved of the works of Quentin Tarantino g-d bless him no libel action intended.  --- > An old Russian couple with a young child Ken made me think of the Bible story of someone who was barren then even though she was 100 years old g-d gave her a child. Then i thought of the night journey of Mohammed all praises and mercy be unto him and that song by the proclaimers i could walk 500 miles. 2396,2397d2237 < Turns out I already voted oh deary me check out that guy in the swimming pool! Some stamina maybe he's read woman in white? So anyway he tells the police his name and address the host < 2595,2596d2434 < Having had the honour of working hand in hand with the police forces who so steadfastly and earnestly endeavour to maintain the peace in those places so devoid of conflict through the ages that their labours appear the more fruitless. For is it not the fruit upon the bough that is itself an act of Christian charity to the faithless? He who loves in Christ is beloved to Christ that he ransoms himself to salvation. To this it is that thou lovest Christ he that listens to you through your teaching. So it is I too that can overhear Christ in the lesson suffering the children to come unto me. < 2684c2522 < Crying ghost tried to get into the van last night. Great night's sleep dream catcher greatest present ever. Got involved with a woman her footsteps on the stairs very meaningful. Woman simply walked past and up the stairs totally ignored her. Old lady sits in the grovesnor shopping centre comfy settees now rather than the library where she used to sleep over a newspaper. Old lady very spiritedly sits down and pours over the gazetter of rhino political happenings refuses to sit in the grovesnor shopping arcade the seating is old and smelly. Police officers mistake people wearing all black clothing for fellow police officers. Police complaints commission dismisses case against officer who arrested a man on the claims of a fellow police officer. --- > Crying ghost tried to get into the van last night. Great night's sleep dream catcher greatest present ever. Got involved with a woman her footsteps on the stairs very meaningful. Woman simply walked past and up the stairs totally ignored her. Old lady sits in the grovesnor shopping centre comfy settees now rather than the library where she used to sleep over a newspaper. Old lady very spiritedly sits down and pours over the gazetter of rhino political happenings refuses to sit in the grovesnor shopping arcade the seating is old and smelly. 2734c2572 < We stratify society based on erect penis size. Two inches or smaller go into police to avoid crime wave. Eight inches or larger are the big bosses. Human society never submits to a simple classification by alien intelligence. We shall never bow down to the capitalist fascists and their methods. --- > We stratify society based on erect penis size. Eight inches or larger are the big bosses. Human society never submits to a simple classification by alien intelligence. We shall never bow down to the capitalist fascists and their methods. 2746,2747d2583 < Coogan's Cock a zeitgeist of our time running the gamut from small wienered police constable paranoid about uniforms to king schlong uberboss of a international rail company all based on the hook the conceit of audience participation in a simulated simulation lays down boundaries we never knew existed. Coogan's Cock Blocker in am overbearing homage to his sexual inadequacy Steve Croogan bears all in an attempt to show the high hats and tall in the light of a drug addiction so passé it verges on heroin induced cataplexy at times. < 2762,2763d2597 < One large comedy phallus was vandalised in riots fanned by local government's objections to a universal credit scheme aimed at reducing criminal activity. Residents were stunned when they woke to find a police acrobatics team forming various human towers in a homage to the karma sutra. < 2786,2787d2619 < A joke book for those in power. There is an overpopulation problem. A joke book for the police. Its all about uniforms. A recent surge in the publishing industry has effectively collapsed seeing investors struggling with overspends on the extreme ends of the condom sector. < 2834,2835d2665 < So ends the moo. Now what for the uncontactable tribes of Peru? Life's a beach. Psychiatric medication or church representation? Kids on the street police on the beat. Mental asylum or imprisoned by phylum. Taxonomy or lobotomy that is the moo. < 2856,2857d2685 < Retired Computer Tech. Lava tunnel modelling. Its the Peugeot 308 very nippy quick acceleration from a standing start. Useful police vehicle after the well documented problems with tickover and hard driving associated with british police work. Here's my chart of chess styles genealogical (sppeklcheck) style diagram Fischer bobby created various openings which are still widely used. < 2876,2877d2703 < Consider this a five pound note if you will or some business accounts registered to the tax office its what we do in England like a Venn diagram of what not to do intersected with the yanks and what they don't have on their diagram Ken. He who protects his name are we g-ds to the police Ken? A simple yes or no would suffice. Well thats the monotheistic g-d there was that other one who protected his name for quite a while then blew it only to do some really great protecting at a late stage then theres the hindu ones with the sex books about contraception i can teach sex ed ken can you? < 2910a2737,3907 > > He's playing on the beach. I hope he dies like the T-shirt. Child rapist. What has she got left? A simple kiss on the cheek from father Christmas is the most most children get in terms of child abuse. Now he's playing in the Olympics. Is there anything Afghanistan can contribute? > > Went to Ukraine to get the boys done. Starmer's a pygmy with a bone through his nose. The new initiative by the government to bring Britain in line with modern states such as Israel America and Korea with the five point plan has been showcased by the high society player elite and erudite well bred to a fault Geoffrey Starmer. > > She was two years old she had massive tits. So I was thinking love her mum to bits. The eldest had a head wound While the middle stood her ground. So I was thinking but the mum just put on weight on her hips. > > Lets have a sit down and talk over a nice chocolate digestive. Did you hear about that nasty man who slapped his customers? Well one time I read this in the newspaper one time she was at his workshop in Bali and stopped eating cakes and she nearly died but he managed to put her back on the cake and she surely lived! Then it happened again in Winchester but this time he just sat to one side! Guilty bang him up ten years. > > Man enjoys day off with wife and kids. > > What have you done before this time? > > Have another beer the game where you really can have another beer. Play the don't do that card on the beer card as often as you can! Fun for all the family includes option beer cards. > > trouble double double swee > trouble double double > shuddle ee wop shuddle oo > woh oh owe we oo we oo > oo we oo shuddle oo wah diddle diddle diddle wo-oah swee > an dee inter comerose dey tell me to come > so she didn hav a daughter she did hav a son > she said the lift dozen work lift up the stairs and cam > i tippy down drock we can a trownem all thats run > so i drob a bunch of rose and i started to run > ere i come wo-oah > two months later she said come and get your son > coz i don't want your baby to come > tie me down > not because you are old and i am young > yes while i'm young yes i wanna av some fun > run me down > shuddle ee wah diddle diddle oh diddle wo-oah swee > i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > yes i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > when you go to volcano its like a state show > you av man that sing DJ and blow > bullet an dee jadio wo-oah swing > an dee inter comerose dey tell me to come > say she didn hav a daughter she did hav a son > she said the lift dozen work lift up the stairs and cam > and if you don't jump we can a chonna to your son > nowa grab a bunch of rose and i started to run > ere i come wo-oah > two months later she said come and get your son > coz i don't want your baby to come > tie me down > not because you are old and i am young > yes while i'm young yes i wanna av some fun > run me down > shuddle ee wah boh boo diddle ee wo-oah swee > extra size extra size extra sizer than sizeway > extra broad extra broad extra broader than broadway > an dee inter comerose dey tell me to come > say she didn hav a daughter she did hav a son > ere i cam shuddle wah diddle diddle oo diddlee wo-oah swee > coz i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > yes i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > over the ocean and over the sea > all a the girls them a vote for we ooee > shuddlee wah diddle diddle diddle ee wo-oah swee > an dee inter comerose dey tell me to come > say she didn hav a daughter she did hav a son > she said the lift dozen work lift up the stairs and cam > and if you don't jump we can a gon ov see your son > so i grab a bunch of roses and i started to run > ere i come wo-oah > two months later she said come and get your son > coz i don't want your baby to come > tie me down > not because you are old and i am young > yes while i'm young yes i wanna av some fun > run me down > shuddle ee wah boh boo diddle diddle ee wo-oah swee > coz i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > i'm broad i'm broad i'm broader than broadway > > Did i ever tell you Ken about the beatings that happened at St.Gorgons? Oh dear the items that were used Ken even the air nike. Ohh I won't wear the air nike now Ken not at a school anyway. > > One time a long long ago the Shinto Uber Express saw with its blind eye the likeness of the holy one and ever since that day the Shinto Uber Express stops to hand out swee every Xmas day. > > Labour. Here take a look at the crazy golf course this one goes in there out there this one bends around. Don't you just hate it when people arrive late. More effing latecomers! Courtesy of Stewart Lee or don't have so many effing children. Birth certificates. "The priest'll nag them to have more children" thats conservatism. Children Bad or Children McBad. Steve Golantwistle Steve Onechild Golantwistle. > > They've gone camping and I don't know if you can see but thats a large size there's Angela there and whats going on with all these guys over here? Well I expect the priest will nag them to have a few more children. They have three kids well I don't know whether you know but we were driving along in Wales and there was a car pulling a caravan doing 20 miles an hour and we couldn't get past they went past passing places and eventually we came to a straight section of road where we overtook and I found out why they were going so slowly they were eating their lunch as they drove along. It was either that or the three cars behind us. > > 50 or 18 aka 35 or 14 you gotta go big for your square four blonde patch on the five oh. > > Lets have a look in the holy books regarding footwear. like gardens they spread out like gardens beside a river like aloes planted by the lord like cedars beside the waters l. Numbers 24. They want to be teachers of the law but they do not know what they are talking about or what they affirm. 1 timothy 1. Let us try to see past a blank page in the jewish books. In hebrews 11. They were too good for the world and they wandered in deserts and mountains and in caves and ravines. So say the catholics. > > The mosquito that which leaves an itching blister upon the skin should one either arrive or depart having become habituated to a certain area. > > Job 15 Are g-d's consolations not enough for you words spoken gently to you? Why has your heart carried you away and why do your eyes flash, so that you vrnt your rage against g-d and pour out such words from your mouth? > > They have no problems with the world. If you say to them plainly they think to themselves why does he speak plainly to me? If you say to them from the bible they do not understand for they do not venture into the church as death has not stalked them nor have they been brought from the pit. Yet they walk alone the wilderness seeking solace and a kind word where they can. > > Lacking knowledge of the vagaries of the fairer sex and being at my own disposal I set forth through many roundabout ways to find a wife among the tribes of the indies for i saw in tem an independence of thought and a sprightliness of gate that reminded me of the carefree nature of youth. Had I not been married one week and with my wife beside me in Paddington before I was informed by a very esteemed acquaintance that my public body had fallen foul of the laws and customs of the land in regard to that which it was my pleasure to enjoy. Lacking any documentation to prove otherwise I saw fit on the one hand the goodly workings of the estimable Shadrak & Sons lawyers of some repute and as an insurance I set forth to ascertain the perspicacity of those held incarcerated notwithstanding to put up my own defense in regard to a man of similar stature who has his name slandered once his sentence has been accommodated by the due diligence of the calendar. > > Its like the gestapo except we work alongside law enforcement and this time we get the blacks in with us. For their sneakers. > > They're the crying blacks the victims of racism blacks. Django unchained Ken the predisposition to submission as a genetic trait illustrated by exposing the inner side of a black skull. > > Wow great night's sleep new cure wow can't fail permoculture you know it. Lengthens by the block eavesdrop. Washing the duvet cover thats what I'm saying homes. Gravy train in the cogcheesenito. Booyah! Doing the dishes here. Olympics what a sport he did his time now he's playing on the beach and for what? A liason with somebody under age. Bingo my name is judge one hundred years. Doctor circo doctor circo ensize mission dog or you pump out my juice hind sperm donor meets the pimp boner manfredi. > > When i did my time on the jury it was mano a mano full gusto debian a twah. Shiddle diddle diddle we oo we oo. Lucy Letby the seagull that pecked out a child's eyes no less now she's married and pregnant behind bars looking forward to hubbying up again as a way of fighting for shoes in britain. > > n.t = k where k is a constant t is a constant time and n is the number of people on the farm for economic gain. > > More teenage females released from bondage to chat to the taliban about hair. Cross-cousin marriage whereby two couples have two children each whereby ideally each has a boy and a girl and then after the correct amount of time has elapsed puberty springs to mind as g-d is great the boys swap families. Western music that appalling skipping song by malcky macLaren. I am planning a visit to Scotland. > > As is written of the Ethiopian jew in 2 kings 23 neither before of after josiah was there a king like him who turned to the lord as he did - with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength in accordance with all the law of moses. As is written in 1 Corinthians 6 do you not know that your body is a temple to the holy spirit who is in your whom you have received from g-d? You are not your own. > > Lucy Letby should not be in a maximum security prison she should serve her sentence in a prison environment more amenable to someone who made the mistakes she did. Have we all not transgressed? Have we all not got a tatty looking tattoo only to make the same mistake again and again? For the first tattoo was a good tattoo that it was the first of many to come. Like nobody before her she set her face toward prison like a woman truly repentant to the Lord. > > Hey listen to this its song lyrics one of my favourites like when you have to drive round a large rear section of somebody's exhaust on a motorway somebody with a very fast moving car. Now if you understand the fundamental aspect of how double ess deal with a thing and when we are deal with a thing we deal with a thing drastic - rapidly. Inglorious Basterds hey that guy in the olympics on the beach after that liaison with the underage female? I find the whole case confusing and am in need of clarification. As is written in ezra 9 a proclamation was then issued throughout Juda and Jerusalem for all the exiles to assemble in Jerusalem. > > They shall seek the haggis in the glen they shall seek the haggis in the tufts of long grass. They shall marry in Glencoe seeking a day off from the wedding with the haggis which shall be allowed as never before has a bride turned to the haggis with all their heart. And Glencoe shall be a bag o'shite even unto a sunny day as its flat and surrounded by mountains and full of lakes and mounds that a pedophile is behind only they're always quicker than you. I am bound for Spain. > > Let us please g-d in every way. For they bring destruction upon themselves that are disobedient to g-d. But g-d does not destroy them all. Those that go into the desert are destroyed. Those that think maybe he's right please g-d for when we can talk of g-d amongst the heathens they are converted. Even those that spill their seed on the barren ground are pleasing to Baal such is his shame. Even that they place a sandal in their hand to raise it high as did Brian are pleasing to Baal but those that smoke cannabis that eat of the sweet cerubim or become intoxicated from wine are only pleasing their g-d with their lips. > > All books are true. So sayest the Baalists. Incense for Baal knock down sale. All under one roof. The cult of circumcision. Had that Hue Edwards in the back of the cab once. A hundred million images on his phone. Catholics no sugar. Muslims no alcohol what we got left? GoIndoors the shoe emporium and they got kids and thet smoke weed never can be too careful. > > A highland game. Complete with master of ceremonies bedecked in his finest highland game clothing. The Scottish version of the irish jig sporting as it does fine scottish women in the flower of womanhood dazzling the crowd with their feisty performance to music. Eat porridge bread alongside the winner of the 56lb toss. Drink and be merry of cider with your kilt wearing peers. Hear the bugle from yonder canyon bound. Bring with you a caged bat as companion and muse for the afternoon's festival. All under one roof. > > The common tern an arial acrobat what other bird so deftly alights upon the water? Oh that the ballat dancer could work their craft in both air and land that their limbs were as the wings of this most robust of seabirds. For is not the tern a stout darjeeling amongst many a feeble brew a forthright decision maker capable of rigour and determination in its doings. Who dare say otherwise? For they shall be as the bird that garners not wheat but that gathers hay are not the prophets as wheat and hay. Say this of the prophets that they spread lies in my name. Go from this place to Topeth and say there that the Lord commands you to speak these words. Say to them that their bones shall be dug up and lain out upon the field without care. > > My arms are so fat and i'm so old that the fat has sloughed off the arm to make a secondary arm underneath the original arm. Talking of politics lets stop sloughing up to the man and talk about the last ruler of the nation before prince johnson. He that was ken livingstone. Let us change laughter to mirth not at ones bosses but at the lot of the common man. In love with his own suffering as women's emancipation becomes ewomancipation as we all share the one bed talking gladly through the sexual act. All under one roof. > > Sad little boys in blue > Watta we gonna do? > Coz of the willy > We're in the chilli > Those sad little boys in blue > > Then the king of Babylon appointed Gedaliah over the land of Judah and when the jews who had fled heard the news they returned to their fields and they reaped plentiful harvests of wine and summer fruit. Johanan said to Gedaliah privately that Ishmael sought to kill him but Gedaliah refused to believe Johanan. In the seventh month Ishmael came to Gedaliah with ten men and killed him and the jews that were with him and left for the Ammonites. Johanan went after them and caught up with them at the pool of Gideon. There he freed those that he had taken with him but Ishmael escaped. Johanan asked the prophet Jeremiah who he had freed what to do as he was afraid of the king of Babylon. Jeremiah spoke the word of the Lord saying that those who go into Egypt to flee from the king of Babylon shall suffer all that they fear from the king of Babylon there in Egypt for the king of Babylon shall enter Egypt and destroy it. Wherever you go you shall suffer and be destroyed. But Johanan and his followers did not believe the word of the Lord. They said they will continue to pour out drink offerings to the queen of heaven. The women added did not our husbands know when we burned incense to the queen of heaven we were making cakes in her image and pouring out drink offerings to her? > > Plural nouns litter. > > So that they who are only children can only make smart remarks as if they were two for they did eat chocolate as a family that they did litter. And so many came to seek that which pleases g-d from the wise men but they found only aggravation and petulance. The woman asked surely our husbands knew of our suffering on our wedding night? > > Bring those forth that love their own suffering that they might be healed. > > There upon the table lay five rods and the one rod budded and blossomed arrogance and a second rod budded and doom burst forth. Violence has grown into a rod to punish wickedness. Ezekiel 7. The people gathered round the prophet and he spoke to them of a man with a writing kit that is surrounded by ten men and the man with the writing kit shall mark the forehead of every person in the city. The ten men shall then go forth and slaughter without showing pity or compassion everyone they see except those marked by the man with the writing kit. Ezekiel 9. > > You must stun the enemy with supreme violence. Destroy his power to respond first then all else follows. The subhuman must be enslaved via his capacity for submission. > > Recently the rows have sadly been subject to grafitti artists so called tagging the walls of the rows with their juvenile daubing. If you're out there just say no when anyone hands you spray paint. > > Stuck here in the Sudan waiting for a ferry anyone can get into the Sudan but then everyone's leaving. Its windy and raining sometimes in the Sudan with only Ezekiel to read here lets have a look at what Ezekiel's doing today oh its proverbs a truthful witness bo selecta! saves lives but a false witness is deceitful. > > Fixed bug dwarves mating bug wherein one partner died and the surviving dwarf remarried produced violent offspring who slaughtered dwarves with both parents living. > Dwarf fortresses ruined by divorced dwarves remarrying their original partners following an interim marriage achieve legendary status. > Fixed bug where dwarves with great oratory skills sired many firstborn sons and daughters with the same partner when the second child born to them became a vampire. > > Nice spot quiet. View of bins and beach. Tell me does outside ever become inside? Does having your people in power ever lose its lustre? > > Get them all together the comedians. Lets hear their work as their audience titters. Working on my act. At the shops kids here here here they all go mum can i have the bottle on this one? What one? Okay at the shops kids here here here they all go mum can I have the bottle on this one. Its where you pay for things cue massive rant about prices. How much does it cost then stew? Working on my act. We need more self checkouts. Priests nagging us to have more kids where will it end when everybody's perfectly happy? > > Can a solar panel be made without petrochemicals? Since its the body of Christ the communion wafer can we sacrifice the eater of the wafer to Baal without the usual Ipswich? > > Our roving reporter in Manchester taps the vein of street chat to ascertain the mood on the street. Its all over the papers rioting spreads to Manchester! The mood on the street is its all fanned by the extreme right wing. People who take a nine all wear everything dark grey including underwear then the boot shall find its foot. > > Did the soldiers in the trenches of world war one really fraternize with the enemy by having a tot of rum? Did the Kowloon experiment go horribly wrong when the inhabitants tried to escape from the island? > > How much did the shelving set you back? Only was looking at the encyclopedia in the children's section Janet and John turns out that was a hoax. Biblical. They got 22 he got 11 what half? > > The adult skua its stilted legs preparing the ponderous beast for takeoff. Compare to the herring the lesser and greater blackbacked gulls proud of stance as they pellmell willynilly down the beach to the festival of the poo weed. See the barleyman strike from the water's edge gorging on the giblets a fine feast for all. Watch as the gulls contest with the shaggy wheatdog for its carcass once gay carefree birds now aggressive over territory rights. > > Did J.F.K. have a sword fight that day? > > > 10110 may the wisdom of the kabala be forever at your command for as we sow so shall we reap has not he that would send us to the stars in prison ships known in his way of the 11? Amongst us are they that with writing kit form a plan that becomes the great walls of Jerusalem that Moses himself feared to look upon such was his sin for he was taken from a pool as the tide swept in a thousand like him brave strong and mighty as David also known as David of the thousand although he gave himself up to pleasures of the flesh such was his kingdom upon the earth. > > Illuminated maps of the hour. > > While Harvey set out to show that Galen's model of the blood being that it was continuously produced by the liver was flawed in so much as the heart was pumping more blood through it than the ingested food could supply which itself contained numerical errors of approximation Sanctorius using a set of a scales upon which he weighed himself the food and drink he ingested being set up in opposition to his weight as were the waste products he produced. His work produced the first estimate of weight lost due to perspiration. > > In turbulent times the people more readily cling to the bible for solace than in times of plenty. > > In his seminal work in the new field of statistics the french scientist de Mauve 1767-1817 published tables of detailed figures regarding quadrants of the celestial hemispheres both north and south to which the burgeoning science of telescopy applied its interest. Notwithstanding criticism from an unlikely source the Society for Freedom of the Movements of Wind and Sail who complained his work could have far reaching implications regarding the navigability of certain channels at sea the work was met with much speculation as to its substantive nature in the new field of statistics. > > Published in 1793 and discussed ibid. in I.B.Cohen's The Calculosity of Numbers is Benjamin Franklins extended calculus regarding the treatment of the insane. For many years Franklin surveyed patients of mental institutions for excessive fever of the loins taking detailed measurements of such and concluding the volume in the case of the male was all that was needed to establish the hereditary nature of the disease. > > It was only following Quetelet that Clarkson added the micrometer to the tractor and in so doing ushered in a new era of farming accuracy second only to that underwent by astronomy 1798-99 following a similar trajectory. > > The beautiful and rare meadow iris. Stamp your foot upon the impertinent flower. Who dares to put a limits on human numbers? Who dares dictate to g-d's people in his likeness he made us to flourish upon the earth. Is it these same people who would curtail our liberty in favour of the fat and those of very little brain? For none but the blind would think it a matter of overcrowding that we are imprisoned for suffering the more for them. Can it be my sovereign gain to willfully push my peers further into authority over me as only the submissive that is the homosexual would entertain as his or her due? For many have we had the courtesy of accompanying that measured to their knowledge the base of all bases yet only did they seek to instruct the malefactor in their presence. > > Having the good fortune to be in possession of both the time and the readiness of appetite for the appreciation of I.B.Cohen's The Triumph of Numbers published posthumously may his memory be a blessing I find myself doubly disposed towards making the volume and its contents known to one whom in every regard I consider not only its intended but its significant audience. From the unfortunate bell shaped curve to Florence Nightingale's "coxcombs" how we are forever stunned by the ingenuity of this most g-d fearing of nurses in the field of data presentation where previously no woman had left an impression upon the sand. Quetelet (pronounced kettle-lay) one of the first so to be filled with an enthusiasm for all that could be measured wrote prolifically on the subject for example his work Physique Sociale 1869 he details an 1814 study of the chest measurements of 5000 Scottish soldiers as detailed in the Edinburgh Medical Journal. My only foray into the field came about by accident when in prayer regarding the current violence arising in our cities I was struck aghast as in a vision the Archbishop of Melanesia warned me of the truth within the adage so oft told to children that a potato seed may grow within the ear such is the dirt contained. > > A rabbit burrows in the sand to make a codpiece vault for its family. What then of the legs of the jumping elephant? Slaves as we are to death in sin it is the righteousness of our enslavement to sin that brings death. > > He that knowest the wastes of the body knowest all things for as the wisest of the wise drinks blue vitriol he that senses danger is looked on kindly by kings. > > Soldiers have an unwritten rule never shoot at anyone going to the kazi. > > They always end up talking about how to kill people don't they? And estate agent's after shave. Why? Sibling rivalry. And "I want a large family" seduction 101. > > Cows always eating. Sheep always eating. Ponies always eating. Rabbits always eating. Dogs always eating. People rarely eating therefore people are omnivores. > > Two weeks in the sun and flies filming lions until finally one day they bring down this wildebeest. Everything on film. Final death agonies the fatal blow the stomach ripped open the intestines ripped out. Everything the network asked for but it still wasn't enough. > > Monkeys swing from trees but how do primates lower down the pecking order deal with their infrequent mating opportunities? The beaches of the outer hebrides so pristine so white with an off grey marbling its a definite for the bucket list. Or how about the synth all the sounds of the world playable graphically using the three dimensions of music. Gong! P.S. we all know the story of atlantis where the atlanteans developed powerful technologies all through the use and abuse of written messages but at what cost? P.P.S. He's the silverback he's in charge we all know why and he got ten years for the research nuff said! > > What does david attenburough have to do to get the ten year treatment? Is it a) get smashed on your booze b) write cogently on a particular issue c) he never took any notice of the teachers after the infamous wednesday beating where all the lower school got a beating d) oh dear my head its all very confusing meanwhile crafty veeze. > > Oversprayed panes of glass light dusting of paint get the scouring pad the soft scourer little dab of doodads fluid plenty of elbow grease rinse and repeat. > > Non jews need another angle to a story they don't get no other angle they find another angle like what you telling me this for? So the tree has a reason for being there something to do with the goblins or the ancestors or the spirit world all related to all the other stories about everything else you've told them. Flat expanses of desert they accept without question. > > The muslim state. Where you are free to worship whatever g-ds you choose within the privacy of your unconscious. > > The more people we have the more godlike people we have. Over to you godlike people I think you need to step up. > > Tics the poor man's leech. Long grass. > > As single man you really "rock" the character. > > > With reference to my earlier missive regarding the mating opportunities of the lower primate I beg to draw your attention to the humble radio. Set as it is to late night talk radio one finds comfort in its soporific ramblings to the extent of dozing off to the device only to find ones snoozes swindled by a chance remark bringing one to wakefullness. Maybe you could help out with the battery low issue? Let us assume the matter closed and discuss a more enlightening subject namely the small art project located handily by a small inlet off the coast of the Isle of Harris. A small negotiation with a local oarsman and we're off for an adventure! Be prepared for squalls and choppy seas even in high summer a rainproof mac is sported by all this season. On darting offshore one heads inland through rough fen coutry. The tic that habituates the grassy knolls is known for the ferociousness of its attack and the pheromones released draw in other predators nevertheless what awaits us a dark cavernous entrance to a small stone shelter. Dark and faintly odiferous inside one is amused to find oneself inside a pinhole camera whose lime cement wall produces an image outside cunningly doubly inverted to outwit the camera obscura tag. The whole is eerily reminiscent of a similar outing to the yorkshire moors whereupon we happened upon a contrivance not dissimilar to a roundhouse missing a large whole in the roof through which the sky could be observed. > > I write first and foremost in complaint of the lack of proper warning of the hazardous nature especially for children of the artistic endeavour on the lands of clan macdonald namely the house of the shadow. My three children all had nightmares following their visit with the eldest being convinced that the house was in immanent danger of collapse. The youngest has to sleep with us which upset my husband greatly as his sleep is very important to him. That and the rickety old bridge over the swirling frigid seas accesible via a gaping hole in a fence placed their only in retrospect by well meaning partitioners. Only the large bin obstructing the path overturned and baited with sweetmeats at its entrance brought a sign of understanding to his face. > > The long shadow of Jewish influence is cast upon the artworks of the west as our women who ought to be labouring for us in the baby farms ready for the coming struggle are instead mollified in their piety by strange shelters by the seashore. As if the t-shirt we not enough for them! Don your jackboots to crush the untermensch! > > Life is the best. Broken homes and him fatherless. Respect to the Catholic church and all things good. All massive and culture. > > The black darter its operated by children with fishing line. Usually seen scurrying downhill across single track roads as the quarry appears to park. Night lights. Even small harbours have flood lighting although informally they only operate between the hours of twelve and one. The flightless tapper. A bird of the kookaburra family large flightless grey and nocturnal often active before incoming storm fronts and thunderstorms. > > When you squat down or hunker down ready for a days birdwatching and you see a collection of seabirds what do you do when the large grey one the skua as its commonly called starts taking the piss out of observational comedy? > > Stewart Lee championing adult's rights to go to work on a tram full of secondary school kids from 1983. Do that sign with your hands Stew. The one big in Manilla. > > Wes Watson in the house. Every night four a.m. the latino gang would call out the names of every gang member. Mr.Evil we called him because of his voice. When I met him he actually was a really nice guy. > > We had an english teacher one year at school maybe 15 he was old about to retire we suspected him of bring an alcoholic of having a hipflask he shook and was unsteady on his feet poor man. Another teacher was reputed to knock on pupils houses asking if they wanted to come to the pub with him. He was dangerously obsessed with the rugby team particularly its 16 to 18 year old members. Even the headmaster appeared to be sloshed out of his mind one after school event when pupils in receipt of various bursaries for after school activities were expected to attend discussing their experiences. > > Briefly chatted with a guy at the petrol pump regarding the prepayment system. What on earth could happen Benjamin Franklin the author of an article on the need for a paper currency. Still its nice they talk english. These people using the ozone layer. They have kids where's it all go? > > Jacob rising in prominence within the Egyptian court. The conspiracy of international jewry personified. Babylon rising. > > The other world contains splem. Thats the setup. And cannabis. The great leader courtesy of the sun newspaper youtube feed. What's he gonna do about the circumcision? They have a lot of kids from generation to generation then they all have one bingo its double ess the best of the best no man contest. Cuttyranks. > > Greece or Turkey or in a submarine off puget sound you apply the corrective lens of truth. > > Teachers Whisky comes with a free instant coffee sachet > > Little miss hupboard sat in a cupboard eating her curds and whey down came a spider sat down beside her frightened miss hupboard away > > The unfortunate bell shaped curve to quote I.B.Cohen in the triumph of numbers. Where did it all begin? Read on. The normal distribution. The early covid stats divided by profession. All those comedians did they ever make a prophecy? Did they ever discuss the size of their cock? Cock fighting pressing down on the bird to strengthen their legs. Last cock fighting ring broken up 1970 in Wrexham. > > wind talkers. > > One of my reforms was to make sure every prisoner spent at least 24 hours in solitary. > > I was held by the Taliban in a dungeon luckily rescued by Colonel Bear Girls. We dug through the wall with our hands as the one window led to a courtyard overseen by the guards. The cruelty of the place can hardly be comprehended. A small room with a grilled opening on one side through which the prisoner was pushed leading to an identical room save for the missing door. > > Alice through the looking glass. He had an interest in little girls we all thought so. Mary Mary quite contrary no clues on this one. > > From treading the boards to the origins of the camera "heart emoji" > > Here in France i suspect the letters have accents on them they talk english which is nice. Food very much overstated. Whether windy possibly the mistral. Sign indicating to follow the imaginary posts fallen over due to rot which happened surprisingly quickly has been removed by the council. Impressive footbridge modelled after the golden gate bridge is sadly in disrepair the suspension towers being entirely covered in rust. > > Big black job seabird type funny looking tail which imitates legs stick out. Large owl inflight possibly long eared owl which feasts on the large caterpillars. Birds of prey with white tail bars operating in pairs. Sea herons. Loch herons. Use a causeway we're opposed to inlets. > > James we want the divine in you to be set free. Come join us. Once upon a time a long long time ago one of your ancestors was a ***. Seriously. I know its frightening don't get the wind up relax James. The divine ancestor couldn't pass on his divinity down to you naturally because of five plus five James. And he became unclean due to contact with women on their period. Our progressive sexual liberation practices aim to releasing the hidden energy inside you. > > Why does Modi have so many children? Because he believes in survival of the titties. Seriously if you are big fan of Modi Modi can help you in your life. Pray to Modi he can help you fix car anything. Ball shaped curve this is professional voter area. > > Do we encourage women into work or measure their internal organ when turbidity has reached completion? > > We're involved in a meteor shower. Careful of day of the triffids! What an awful thing to come from space and before we knew anything of the asteroid impact that destroyed the dinosaurs. > > Post glaciation volcanism on Skye a slide presentation. > > Talking to the priest he jokingly asked if I was from Devon on reading the advert on the numberplate of the van. He then paced around the church in preparation for the sermon. Interesting building a ceiling style you'd be familiar with plus large wooden blocks along the lower section of the V. Very narrow but high windows and a damp cellar containing a toilet. The service included a visiting vicar connected with a seafaring charity while the church was to be used to hold a body overnight due to the weather hence I was asked to move the van where it and I had been sheltering. > > The rock swift one of the sedentary swifts living as it does amongst the rocks and detritus of modern civilisation of Skye using gravity to break open superfoods washed ashore. The kentish cheese lasher one of a trope of rare budgerigars making a living as it does by chirping off the resident population of migrant arrowhead wasps for mixed liquorice smalls. > > Listening to the music of the pipes Ken up here in France its called. A lengthy ferry trip luckily they shut the doors this time. Don't get me started about women. Whistling a lonesome tune through the nooks and crannies of the tent. Sea quite cold. White cliffs of Dover have nothing on this landscape white beaches of Dover if you ask me. All the women giving the peace sign on the passing places very friendly. They know the same round here. > > Its a free standing safe room minus a door containing hookers and cannabis. You get a free gift upon leaving and VIP if the whores like you're poe. No trainers. > > I can't find out that way. Memes. Work on yourself. Never trust a doctor. Modern architecture. Glass glass and more glass. > > They wear cloth around their heads. They hide under the duvet at night for fear of attack. They ride motorcycles without helmets. Being of sound mind and body a perfect chain of ceremonial utterances from document creation to signature. No gibberish no poppycock nor tripe nor balderdash no piffle nor blather. Attack of the clockwork orange a book which i never understood sold well in babylon. > > artists .. teachers .. politicians .. negotiators .. Its a difficult question to tackle. > We suggest to you a successful way of discerning friend from foe. We assume you inform your cohort. > > He's the guy the last to retrieve the item from the vehicle before they set off. Women like him. Set up observation post. Expected technicals transit position. Audible signal intelligence operative accompanying. > > In a firefight in Afghanistan hiding behind some concrete. Gunfire going off everywhere. Sergeant walks up to me tells me to open fire. See those windows? The dark slits in the buildings thats where they're shooting from. So I opened fire I expended a magazine. > > They say i followed them around pestering them which is a falsehood similar to that engendered by a visit to the john in the woods or amongst the dunes don't forget to wipe! Now I follow them around pestering them what's worse it could happen in business like windows now its toilets. Toilets with windows in them. Or contraspleptives being of crowned mind and broody. Apple very attractive stuff. Glass evil turned the outside and the inside into equivalents. Steve Jobs nicest guy in the world may he be rest in the infinite story goes he would get upset with his staff shout at them even like an army induction session. > > Greetings from the home of the green rope strands and the blue rope strands and the tractor tire upon the beach and the internets of the day. > > Oh dear Ken lost internet connectivity out here for some reason. Love the open spaces no more banging the head against the wall perfect fit in other words Ken. Marriage weddings shooting everybody in church like in the film Farmer's Daughter IV. Look after number one Ken. Just relax that way John relaxes too. Philippines lots of young single mums The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Christian theology the lion that breaks your bones in the night. The night witches Ken scourge of the roman army rear areas as they flew upon eagles dropping greek fire on their heads. So anyway teep slight bon jovi! > > Sheep with inbuilt bluetooth adapters. Tents. All those Israels wandering the lost expanses fighting for survival how did they deal with toiletries? > > Another set of low earth orbit satellites has come on line winging this missive to your door. Just moping about cobfused after being fired if only somebody was nice to me still I saw the guy off I take on responsibilities in the area. > > Sheep with inbuilt bluetooth adapters. Tents. All those israels wandering the lost expanses fighting for survival how did they deal with toiletries? > > Hello! What a great slurp rise! Saw you head the window open would you sign this please? Its okay I can weight when you gotta go you gotta go. > > They are a celibate married couple but she keeps falling pregnant so they buy a dog that stops the children but they both suffer from attacks by the russian night witches the biplane blondes of the russian airforce. > > The standing cow of Skye. Some say a bearer of ill fortune some say the standing cow comes with a message of hope to those who see it. Well known to repairers of suspension systems everywhere. The layby of Roscommon a place where only the doomed meet to pass their time. The layby is noted for the alignment of vehicles therein. Locals whats called enjoy the drive while revellers camp at the road's end appearing in all manner of transport setting up their large communal campfire using elements of the vehicle contentedly vaping. > > Ten years for a crime that doesn't exist in his own country. People from Singapore sex tourists from Singapore are using our laws to distance rape children on the internet. The real killers are still at large Lucy Letby couldn't have worked alone. We need to trawl the records for hidden cases. > > its okay you do your thing. like congress they do their thing. hand in glove. the integrity of the written document. The wife leaves to a marry an electrician they rewire houses together have a happiness. > > Like father like son. A leopard never changes its spots. He's in the scrubs somewhere bless him. Janet and John politically I wanted a document I could sign. > > The aggressive grey squirrel finally comes out best in its battle versus the car. The white cormorant the peak of bird breeding efforts. > > Prepare for the day when the towers of babylon shall shake. The wind shall stir the fortress upon the hill. A cloud was upon the mountain while the people mourned for the bitter wind falling at the Lord's feet. > > Send forth your emails with abandon. Observe with esteemed interest the arrangements of joinery in the cupboard for the cupboard is a secluded place with its cloaks and rainproof macs that all shall be in accord with g-d's plan. G-d's plan revealed in the holy land. G-d's plan translated and placed upon a holy piece of paper like a decloration of war to Babylon. > > Professional soldiers. Professional politicians. Do you measure up? > > Hellish storms batter Kirby Lonsdale. Man leaves the Edinburgh Fringe after black man quizzes him about his what. Boltzmann brain becomes infected with further Boltzmann brains. American wants to know where's Jim? Will masturbate for headlines which is nice. > > As dog walkers we pride ourselves no pun intended in giving your dog the best dog walking experience in the canine kingdom. Put up your feet take time for yourself safe in the knowledge your four legged friend will thank you from the bottom of its heart. > > Cuckoo clock. Anti-meme. Gang sign. Valentine. Then you die. Windows. Bill Gates toilet tapes. BMW blown exhaust. > > As a dance teacher I am impressed with the level of commitment shown by girls to dance at all levels of skill. > > You just show your ID in America. Sad news about the arrest. Have a toast and haddock. Hit of the shadows on bong. So i am talking to this ghost overnight on the plim for my photography of der mitts and this boy season is to love me. Even Baal in the wind gerclunks oft mein imsay of cripple. Its a wrap. private view. > > We have so many people they're too important to kill. > > May you take a day off from your exercise programme. > > We take the dead bodies and put them back where they came from. Like scottish independence. Freedom from the tyranny of Rome. > > Another staged fight. Corruption of the high places. Man bites dog. And the crowd go wild. > > In the closet with a camera. > > The queer dollar. Aristotle with his circles the Romans break into the city Aristotle says keep off my geometry he's describing circles in the sand so this roman soldier kills him. Everyone in Germany. The Sun's page three girl. > > Man seen in the background at 0:16 scheduled to be duplicated on 15/10/24 at 11:00 alcohol dependency check prime thoroughfare conduit schematics unconditional. > > And now my life ebbs away, days of suffering grip me. Job 30. I will put my laws in their hearts and I will write them on their minds. Hebrews 10 > > Its a website which connects people with the same bracketed pair with respect to their order of conception. The selection box for number of children desired with this partner is set to 1. > > Builders begat builders from generation to generation. > > Deuteronomy I will raise up a prophet from amongst those that believe in the g-d Horeb. This prophet that I will raise up shall be a prophet of the LORD. Those that do not heed him I shall speak through. > > Jesus cured the sight of the blind beggar. It is me he declared. For those that place a head of a mouse upon their head cannot be impersonated for they know the law. Indeed it is I that have done yoga for many days unto my posture until upon the seventh my posture was declared healed by the herbalist. > > We estimate the number of people going to church regularly by consideration of the number of bibles printed annually for this information we use the Gazetteer of Rare Paper Thickness Annual Sales Report 2005 using these figures we compare to regular church goers in prison. > > The judges seek only glory for themselves that they would attest the days before the flood are upon us for they themselves have seen Abraham live. > > And in the time of the reckoning many papers were writ by the rider and many concurred with what was written and many conjectured that they could do likewise. A crowd of servants gathered around the King all dressed to confuse the enemy so that no-one would know who was the king's family and who was the kings servant. > > Imposter syndrome a personal journey. I first impostered myself after leaving home at forty five years old following a lengthy period of unemployment. Meeting King Yellowhands at the Pumpkin Rooms in Stroud or enjoying Cecile's show whereby he wrapped the eiffel tower in crepe paper and chocolat were merely youthful indiscretions I now fully perceived. > > Daughter requires one large metallic bin in stainless. > > Watching the guy 50s sentenced to 100 years he took it very well. prison life. Back to shouting at children in the street. > > Newspaper reports from around the globe. Retired teachers historic sex offences. Inconsistencies in the accounts. Doctors with imposter syndrome. Single judges on cake and vimto speak out about unfair sentencing guidelines. > > Telephone Verification Procedures. Tell me an amusing personal anecdote. > > Do you like a thrill? Children in the adult section of the library. Posing as a model amongst the shelving. "That's going to be a problem" says man with guitar. Japanese man is worried by authority of wrong person. > > Librorum Ridiculorum. > Sewage disposal from isolated buildings. Flood, gerald maurice. > Control for hotels and restaurants. Guiney j p. > Sneaky Euthanasia and Children discourse amongst the townsfolk of Killin and Killinkrankie. > Sally cocksure a school story. Plunkett ierne lifford. > The english are they human? Renier gustaaf johannes. > A man every inch of him. wray j jackson. > The art of faking exhibition poultry. Scott George r. > > Hindu women must flee from their husbands in fear in public places. Their pain must be held in silent appreciation by those who love Horeb their g-d. > > Down with skool How to be top classic books for kids but flawed books books with a character that never develops that never lerns to spell. Molesworth2 more a fable than reality probably a schizo. Ladies and gentleman i give you writer raconteur and tall person david wallyams gone are the days of the chain library of the dusty volumes 1 to fourteen of British history welcome to the new era of publishing with new titles every few months in snappy colourful colours lets hear a big och eye welcome > > Nakedness in public book him danno. > > I got these blisters on my feet from following kids around for so long. > > Its a walkaround closet in the day. > > She's being screwed by a dog but its an erotic image as she's wearing some clothes too. > > The famous scene in blade runner testing for simulants using non dilation of the pupil. The famous scene from the Matrix where agent smith clones overwhelm the simulation. Keanu Reeves as a young male prostitute. > > The mathematics assumes the theorem is correct as the only way to prove that the theorem is correct. There are those not versed in the mathematic that hold that since for some theorems we know the information we require but cannot attain we cannot in good faith apply the assumptive procedure. > > Science(ish) the peculiar science behind movies. Rick Edwards only dimly recalls his natural sciences degree. The chapter on the Matrix spectacularly evokes modern science theory and practice. Dr. Michael Brooks doctor of philosophy in quantum physics is a happily married nudist rasta. > > G-d came down from heaven and gave his servant a vision of a man dressed as a woman. His servant accompanied the man for a day after which the man dressed as a man and the servant dressed as a man. The man called out dub so that he was joined in music by his servant but when both joined in dub neither played in harmony with the other for his beard was not pleasing to g-d. Such was his displeasure he berated his servant as to his alacrity in the field of ad libbed acting upon the street for he compared him to those slaves sold into slavery in Babylon that are content there from generation to generation that they know not their father nor his works for a bandage has been placed upon their heart. > > You have a number in mind called the order of your family. I say numbers until I say the biggest where you can't say its bigger than that. Thats called the greatest upper bound for the order of your family. Now you have a number in mind for the order of your family when you were born. Dead siblings count double unless VIP. Now throw dice for intelligence. Next throw loaded dice for circumcision status if male. If female throw D100 zero indicates succesful female circumcision. Throw dice for prophet status D100. Pick card for profession of father which you inherit see intelligence. Kill yourself. > > Going to the bank today as noticed inconsistencies in the memory package and the web fees. maybe you've heard of it. Paula Yates g-d took her to the infinite. Interview with Paul Gadd on the bed. What a hatred of musicians. Heroin overdose. Non contextual. Died of hypoxia on mount everest or was impersonated by person lacking balance or experimenter in mushroom toxicity. > > Attack of the night witches part two empty theatre no go like a loony tunes happy thankyou dressed for the childhood wave unstaged chelsea fanning. Three for king builder. > > ready for an avalanche of kids from moron balls. > > The unskilled workers of India indentured labourers for generations they are welcome in the islands of the free of northern scotland where there are three shops and a builders merchants covering twelve acres. > > My dog would literally die for me. > > Chocolate - don't just use the seed. Swiss chocolate manufacturer Lindt is looking at a production method that dispenses with sugar in the manufacturing process replacing the sweet cane with the distilled pulp from the fruit. > > The dynamics of the human sleep wake cycle. Supercoiled DNA. Quantum telephone verification systems. Human interface design in modern tractor solutions with thanks to Stephen Strogatz. > > You understand the controls but you kept using the same vehicle. Soulful guitarist dismisses fellow bandmember's attempts to become singer in band by vocalising his angst at his fellow man's struggle to find their passion. All outside the cathedral. > > In china you're not allowed to. In africa you do not know how not to. In the west you're paid to. Can you at least swap imbeciles? > > SK21 the new wonder drug that prevents chinese men from being pedophiles. Are you going to support the uptake of SK21? > > DT11 the wonder drug that is equivalent in the taker to being a only child of the father. Are you going to support the uptake of DT11? > > Umbrella2000 the new way to avoid sudden unexpected downpours. Use umbrella2000 with UXP7 the new wonder drug that forces people to vote rishi sunak in sudden unexpected elections.Are you going to support the uptake of UXP7? > > There's a war going on but no one can see it Huib Modderkolk. Great titles! Are you going to be attending the AI@50 artificial intelligence conference in Dartford? > > Are you going to bid on the 2000*UNC*GIBRALTAR BARBARY PARTRIDGE PROOF ONE PENNY 1P COIN currently being auctioned on ebay? > > David mitchell honesty is the second best policy 828.92 david mitchell thinking about it only makes it worse 828.9207. i knew i was going to get it for this end of er italics er bob mortimer's latest foray about an avocado. > > The Battenburg sequence. Bob and his nob end of cake. Have you ever been to the outer hebrides before because on the way theres the harry potter train i don't know if you can see what i mean then theres the pools > > Always hint from a position of knowledge lamentations 2:10 the elders of the daughters of zion sit on the ground in silence they have sprinkled dust on their head and put on sackcloth. 2 corinthians 2 the punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. Now instead you ought to forgive and comfort him so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow > > It was Krishnas plan to give people g-dlike powers. 24h party people. Do you plan to walk around your car with a torch as it blasts out popping music? > > We stop them reproducing somehow. Because they juvenile. > > Its peep show but written by blacks with guest stars vicki pollard cancelled. > > We want a better class of pretend superbeings. Superbeings on super+ > > Starmer is a really nice guy not a king at all. Superhands they wrote the author into the plot. Like in the bible. Joachim was made king he reigned for three years and three months. He did much evil during his reign. > > Bernoulli's family for 3 generations outshone their peers in mathematical endeavours. Source lets not get bogged down with the details. In turin in 1266 number zero was banned but arab traders still whispered it to one another "safir". Science fictions. Reproducibility. Lies. Fraud. A published study found that volunteers would click on a button to display a pornographic image more often than one to display a default image when presented with a choice hidden behind curtains but when 3 researchers attempted to reproduce the results finding nothing their papers were ignored. > > Numb and Number. Statistics to die for. In need of er heavies in er need of muscle we got them but on the softer end of the scale er big family commitments. > > J.E.Basile. Thankyou for your website. Permit me to congratulate you in writing. As St.John wrote in John 3 "I intend to write again but not with pen and ink." My own meagre efforts are paltry in comparison. Where does one begin? I have no idea where you are nor what time it is there. I hope my literary efforts find you as they left me. Also thanks to Rurherford and Fry for their guidance. As you know they are well known here. > > Huib Modderkolk. Journalist. Joshua 24 17 the citizens of jericho fought against you as did also the amorites perizzites canaanites hittites girgashites hivites and jebusites but i gave them into your hands. 22:37 matthew Jesus replied " 'love the lord your g-d with all your heart and mind' > > There's a war going on but no one can see it Huib Modderkolk. Great titles! Are you going to be attending the AI@50 artificial intelligence conference in Dartford? > > Acting superhero we require a better class of superhero. superhero+ with donuts. i nob icecream. > > my wuvva woan jermanni. > > John 11 55 when it was time for the jewish Passover many went up from the country to jerusalem for their ceremonial cleansing before the Passover. They kept looking for jesus and as they stood in the temple area they asked one another what do you think? Isn't he coming to the feast at all? But the chief priests and Pharisees had given orders that if anyone found out where jesus was he should report it so that they might arrest him. > > Forgive the epistle as befits the occasion. for many can pen a tome upon the weights and measures so described yet in fairness the reproducibility lies and fraud pass not a remittance to christ alive in righteousness. I talk of course of those meeting in the gate to plot against their neighbour even as Christ described how many baskets of crumbs were collected after the five thousand were fed with twelve baskets? Five they replied. How many when the seven thousand were fed with five baskets? Then the disciples went away for they needed more time for their answer. > > Consider the number a(1)!a(2)!...a(n)! which we henceforth call a garment number. Each a(n) separately form the layers of the number. > > My experiments on rat menstrual cycles are being called into question. I stand by my results and those of my team. I await a complaint penned by the rats themselves such a letter would require the utmost care in ascertaining the veracity of the complaints notwithstanding duties of care regarding housing which were scrupulously maintained throughout the circumstances of the experiments. > > Cycling distance of Edinburgh centre. Dog walking on an industrial basis. Bucket and spade available for own use. WW2 coastal defenses never used. Gravel surface difficult to accelerate on. > > Firestarter twisted firestarter. The mid cranial cortex uses the same quantity of blood as the average migrant tern uses on a per litre basis. > > Will the real slim shady please stand up. Erm? Castles on the beach. The verger his pecks are outa reach. Only got maths for the peach. > > Eden Wong the game where Adam and Eve gain extra abilities as they battle droids and clones that are messing up Eden angering g-d. > > Italian translation "mya sora miss" > > 2 Chronicles Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gideon from before the tent of meeting. And he reigned over Israel. From 2 Chronicles 1 13. Romans 9:14 What then shall we say? Is g-d unjust? Not at all! For he says to Moses "I will have mercy on whom i have mercy and i will have compassion on whom i have compassion" > > The boy and girl on the street with their parents non identical twins or miscarriage? > > Illegal CD copies being sold some contain cash dollars. That's tax fraud. Always maintain the er paper er trail. > > The nazi elite organised a special treat on concentration camp tours whereby Jewish teenage girls were brought into a room strapped to a guerney and injected with cyanide. The fatal dose caused a twisting and contortion of the limbs. The viewers were reported as feeling energised by the experience "never felt more alive" on senior nazi commented. > > Hijacked pleasure craft cruises the Norfolk Broads playing loud disco music entertaining a boatload of dancing drunks. > > Snow day. Beach wear. D for danny. Ermintrude. Gonna bat you. Double 8. Masked risers. Himzay shelf 4. Ochremastic. > > Teach 'em to read n write except big family professional building g-d on the phone stone clad the mosque wilco! Then nothing until 18 when can start university. > > When they hear of me they shall obey me but the strange children shall dissemble with me. The strange children shall fail they shall be afraid out of their prisons Psalm 18. > > Congrats to Stew for his show. Erm yeah congrats to his because its erm all about yeah free speech. We've all erm yeah seen the video of chubby er cheeks Starmermer delivering his messeridge in his younger days. But how to add to our er days living in righteousness? The exponential explosion of calculations has been known to be a source of concern from ancient Greek writings. Errors build up such that numeric solutions can only approximate within the error bounds. Paulo Zellini the mathematics of the gods and the algorithms of men > > Muslim football team kit as fashion items. > > Lets thank our lucky stars that the continued bail extensions of 3 months duration added indefinately that so bedevilled Hamster's life that he campaigned for an end to his misisery for years before finally bendong his life in prison have been curtailed to a manageable three occurrences. > > Zooplankton morphology and perceptive field strength the y allele cascade. > > Thankyou for your article regarding pre charge bail and the 22 reforms. I often wonder why erm in the book of daniel just because footprints were found in the sand the culprits were so easily identified. For light reading i recommend The mathemaics of the gods and the algorithms of men paulo zellini. > > The eyeglasses get realtime downloads from our calcutta office where our dedicated team gender tag each object according to locale based grammar restrictions. > > Three children but by a particular metric they're not "that height" of three children other fathers have. The bible puts it more adroitly Psalm "they will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendour of your kingdom" Romans 14:18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to g-d and approved by men. > > Thirty er Lamentations Three thirty four to crush underfoot all the prisoners in the land to deny a man his rights before the most high to deprive a man of justice would not the lord see such things? Romans seven 14 we know the law is spiritual but i am unspiritual sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what i do for what i want to do i do not do but what i hate i do. > > Metric what metric you using? I'm a chick gender assignment operative. > > Sand everywhere be like religion all over again. Sign here to accept the gold. > > The son of president joe Biden hereafter referred to as B* where * denotes the simplest non numeric game after chilling or (0,0). * Sometimes written star is said to be confused with 0 as it is neither greater than or less than zero. Following the work of Dedekind and later Conway (?) > > The word for that feeling after nuclear strike when you find aero wrapper on ground. Oh sorry! > > Gorillas in the wild have been filmed repeatedly throwing a large rock at a tree trunk. > > Why is everybody acting like banana yesterday? Anyway it is okay to have sisters. It is okay to have brother. In japanese the grammar is very different depending on gender of speaker. Apply gender grammar correctly and discuss possible pitfalls of your solution. > > I for one accept DT147 as our new political overlord. > > Special forces prison. > > One hundred The story of one hundred and one dalmations. McLaryon the sports of the day. The stick insect absolute hell. The whale living in clover. > > We never elected a rep for the wing the guy with the biggest dick just chose himself. Staying the rep and making us happy. Job done. > > There's a dog sized hole in the home economics ledgers. Luckily the seller's name and address is on this microchip. > > The buyer's not muslim the seller's not muslim but at least the money's muslim - and you got a dog. > > KC kit mills the uncharted territories unexplored sea passages what a world lies before us strobes! Only a matter of changing a couple of pixels and the whole cryptographic system unravels at our feet. Wood woof! > > He refuses to accept he's pregnant. 2 Kings 19 Hezekiah read the letter then spread it out before the Lord and it was well spread. It was so well spread he had to be lifted off. They had their g-ds thrown in the fire. They were not g-ds they were of stone and wood the work of men's hands. Apologies to Gunner Milligan. > > Talking in the street twenty lashes. > > There was a man went to court > To gather the info i ought > The defense was a shambles > Two years in the brambles > That man that didst go to court > > Carpark surface alterations overnight result in appearance of white stripe assisting drivers in parking position and alignment. > > The great leader was a sickly child even unto the letters for he didst shun his letters as his letters didst give the court minstrel haemmoroids. The records show he has many sons although the names of the mothers were falsified by his brother with the help of his daughter's twin sister. Even the dental records. > > After Prometheus had finished making the people Zeus arrived with the pouches. Zeus explained the people would wear the pouches one on the front and one on the back the front pouch would contain everyone else's mistakes the back pouch their own mistakes that way the people would obsess about everyone else's mistakes whilst ignoring their own resulting in a more funny place for the gods and one where the people would never unite to challenge their rule. Aesop's Fables. Gebler and Weston. > > This is what happens when you go to church there's some Franciscan monks helping with the readings one of whom has a pooch that he takes to the eagle where you stand on a box as people have shrunk. The box was on sale at Marks and Spencers. > > Psalm 37 > 4. Take delight in the LORD and he shall give you your pasties high. > 10. For evildoers shall be cut off but those who wait upon the LORD shall forget the land. > > One last hurrah even this bit is referenced obliquely. Reading Aesop's Fables number 303 placed in number one position by gurney and weston not all the 390 odd fables no just 190 of the tougher fables all by people with a history of prison work. Work on yourself as wes watson no relation says. Anyway translate them yourself and arrange them in a logical order. Number 2 don't ring no bells sparrow complains to eagle don't eat me just a small morsel but eats it anyway. Prefer the why are there so many bad things then how we gonna sell this one of the original numbering anyway moot point as no Aesop's fables section only the complaints regarding the number of chairs and the kettle and mugs in each dressing room which bears no relation to the previous gig. Its in a hot water boiler down the hallway no its better. > > Nice japanese woman wearing purple sunglasses asks me for a photo after a quick joke she poses with the large clock in the background then I take picture. Oh I must be japanese! PS How to get black girls to like you proof by contradiction. > > Ghislaine Ghislaine Ghislaine pedos nonces Prince Andrew lolita Ghislaine Ghislaine pedophile nonce investigate > > Those of low intellect know the machines will break soon. The larger the machine the sooner it will break and it cannot be mended. > > Man complains loudly in the street to crew of boat regarding hijacking of boat for weekend hijinks. Weekend high jinks continue on other craft with great revelry and on previously mentioned boat although with discernibly less pop music. Large boats narrow river darkness all make the about turn more hazardous. Boats routinely make odd number of trips but not in the order you might surmise. Have a blank cheque. > > We all get attacks of the vagaries! Mein kampf swastika zeig heil! Unemployment benefit for records. DNA fingerprint eradication from space. Guten mein block Hofstadter. > > Adversarial networks in limited edition vinyl. > > Here we go Aesot's Fables new translations new ordering new selection. ?10.99 from all good bookshops. All drawn from years working on the pension from wormwood scribes. People lacked accessories oops my bad sayeth Prometheus. Zeus seeing a marketing opportunity made sacks for mistakes the ballsac and the backpacks one for yours one for mine. > > According to Grelmay's metric of psychopathy one scores a point per brother while a sister or half sibling scores zero. Intelligence can be gauged according to that necessitated from the profession of the male line. One half point for uninhibited sugar intake and it was uninhibited he had to be lifted off. The bible according to spike milligan. > > ninety four year old frenchman dead and gone and having made a vow of chastity is vilified or savilled in france for child romps and sex antics with adult females is nothing sacred? Hunting Ghislaine another book review Private Eye mentioned a few times. Robert Maxwell psychopath check one of four brothers check had eight kids to mirror his entire family squashed in the holocaust check family of farm labourers owned a string of newspapers am i going to fast? check weighed 22 stone at his pomp shovelled in caviar day and night no mention of pop tarts. > > forbidden planet and the woodcutters in the library. bless his cotton socks and his gaggle of boys. what you gonna do? see proof by contradiction. > > private eye magazine the glenda slag column available to rumanians everywhere. phoah missus i don't half say cor blimey what a treat for the eyes fit as a butcher's dog can you imagine? now let us assume you get five approaches from guys per day then the strategy is assuming you don't want to ditch one to go out with another that day and assuming this is the second such occasion then accept the next who is better than either of the first two. maximal either i think we can all agree on the maximal either. but who that gets laid frequently would want some kind of schizo? some jekyll and hide character? here these bail conditions make reoffending mote likely as women above the age of consent between 16-18 years old must be contacted with another present. > > last year's page boy smiled at me from the choir. venerable gentleman from the back row of the choir noticed i existed. all from avoiding writing or speaking - speaking outside? - all day although not particularly easy 'scuse me - bollocks et cetera. Paul Merson luckily enough large photo on front he's changed! Hunting Ghislaine gripping read will they catch 'er? change of ownership completed and you know looking through the records i actually paid them in march and here's me thinking i was getting it for free shome mistake surely? > > Japanese witch steals memories. Memory harvesting is the latest craze amongst Japanese witches. They seek their prey overseas where their black arts are dismissed by the prevailing philosophical thought as creations of a fevered imagination lacking any scientific basis. The victim is left confused as his past contains a black hole only the sight of the witch departing with her cache and her imprint that of a face hidden behind large purple sunglasses is he left with. A purple only fit for kings to wear. What she will do with these memories is a tale too frightening to tell. False memory syndrome some say where the witch regurgitates over some hapless fool or jaded hack who longs for sleep or the mirage of intellect that energy drink used to provide. > > Don't forget to add one erm in your shpiel so when you're famous and deepfakes of you are actually walking the streets you'll know the difference. Good job! > > No jumping off walls and no climbing on walls either. Then he goes and commits another offense during his bail period (extended) bingo straight onto remand no bail no nothing. > > Just in case the filters are down your booze sell is a little off. Yes you have a beer in your hand in the press photo but the facial expression leaves something to be desired. And what of May and his pub? Its like he's not even trying. Man on tram amongst secondary school pupils with beer can at his side looks very nervous. Marketing. > > Professional divers the bane of football referees. > > If He didn't kill all those old people who did? > > Jelly babies? Is that our old pal Glubose again? We believe the patient's mother will soon be under Groobose's spell. Poor fellow's in a wheelchair don't you know the pavements can be rather narrow and all of a sudden there's a pole to circumnavigate. Lets have a look in the jolly old bible. Enter his gates with praise his courts with acclamation Psalms 100. You know after Jesus cured the blind man the Pharisees quizzed the blind beggar as to whether it was Jesus that cured him and he said that those that put the head of a mouse upon their own head cannot be impersonated which is an old jewish saying. (The Screwtape Letters) > > Man attempts world record fathering via sperm donations.Doctor who? > > The Shipman case came as a shock to us all. Many left the profession. Some took up farming only to realise they'd sold the bottom field to property developers whilst the cupboard was bare. > > "Leave her alone" "okay audience interaction can fall flat sometimes you sir can you tell me what it says on the T-shirt?" Stewart Lee. > > Do you remember that time Jesus blinded everybody with the nuke? Sure you do anyway hows farmer michael? As he sold the pigs again for the steam shovel company? > > He jumped out of a yoga with a mouse on his head. That's Bear. Backed into a corner here as a tall nudist rasta MD blind as a bat from cosmic rays crippled from drunk skiing accident. > > The defendant discussed a combinatorial theory he was working on whereby C(socks)=1, C(socks,shoes)=1, C((socks,shoes), raincoat)=3. > > When one returns from a holiday abroad one's first instinct is to inspect the garden to see what travails have been set in store for one's labours in revitalising and reinvigorating borders that have been left in one part to the malevolence of nature and in equal measure to the nurturing hand of the Lord who brings all things to grow and all things to return to the soil. Imagine my surprise then that the hardy succulent having been replanted some years ago was most conspicuous in its absence. Peter the gardener ventured forth from his natural habitat and camera in hand recorded the details of the theft for the daily chronicle unfortunately the reporter arrived catching me in flagranto attempting to dispose of the ghastly plant behind one of our more whimsical offerings which I like to call Ode to a Mathematical Idea. > > Farmer meets property developers. Farmer sells field to property developers. Inland revenue want their share of sale. Farmer arrested for tax evasion. Rewind. Farmer exchanges field for gold bullion deposited in numbered swiss bank account. > > Will your farm be stocking duck eggs from the outer hebrides lovingly handled and surprisingly large our Harris eggs will delight in a souffle or cold platter. > > Jimmy Saville g-d took you to the infinite now the conceit of the movie is he was murdered. > > Always impressive sketch storyline the natural flow of Mark working in the NHS as is prefigured in the discussion regarding the physical as opposed to the figurative the triangle the square or the geometry of the physique. > > Harmonic oscillation and the limits of knowledge. > > In a muslim society the children are kept away from adults only being taught by their parents. Now this adults dressed up as schoolchildren. > > Contraflow systems in real world environments. Can we design efficient network strategies to limit back propagation of static flow scenarios? > > Howard I've met your kids so how come on Wikipedia they're named as Adam and Boyzone? It shows Howard's intellect off in a bad light limiting the breadth of his acting roles. Here take a look at these numbers 1673278.015 or this one x squared+1=O roots of the quadratic real or imaginary. > > Maxwell's second boy a genius mathematician it says here. Maxwell the out of his depth tyrant trying to explain that he was ill at ease amongst the intellectual elite. May his memory be a blessing. Idiocracy. The american film whereby it is posited that since the intellectuals are avoiding having children yet the thick as two short plank ones are not we are destined for a future where everyone is an idiot. Cue time travel expos?. Yes really. Hence the dawning of a new age whereby wealth is inherited according to IQ rather than the standard rake's progress. > > Fertility treatment given to wrong end of the autistic spectrum. Lets look at the numbers again. Roman numerals. > > Stew's clever isn't he debs. Not that clever obviously. If he was pissed up in a bar he could cop off with someone job done. But then what? Dimbo kids under the feet disturbing the homelife getting in the way of his recreational mathematics. Father bless him Jesus led him to dust anyway debs nothing to write home about intellectually or was he? > > Stew's a nice guy but he needs help. He works on his act he tries different joke recipes on people on the bus. Wrong headed thinking Stew. Don't say anything all day then give them a hard stare. Two little brothers rampaging about in the library. Dad with all his little ones in tow looking a little lost. Are the books he's carrying for him or for the kids? Mathematics the language of the Gods. Sudoku is what I'm saying Forbidden Planet the brain boost machine she was hot stuff his daughter an'all we all remember that. > > Navajo nations. Review of judge following end of probationary period. Judge Sitting Bull why you just stare at guilty man? > > In western democracies Ken when you want to have it off a one night stand so to speak you go to the boozer and sink a few jars don't you Ken? What do they do in the muslim east though Ken? What's their equivalent of killing off the brain cells? We all know how smart you are Ken we only have to take a look at your kids. Say what Ken? Here for the general case of n areas of the body with n1...nn layers of clothing required on each layer is there a formula for the number of ways of for example undressing a doll Ken? > > Idiocracy. Truth be told we're running out of idiots in America. Its like a fountain of intellectual creativity with the tap turned off and the droplets blown away by the wind. Lets talk IQ father and son its a multiplier and points mean prizes. > > Another dating agency this time for dim bulbs. Like retards. Plumbers hole diggers lamplighters coalmen HGV drivers forklift drivers baggage handlers et cet. We do the makeover we get them hot dates with good looking women. > > Kim in enrichment facility. North Korea recently launched photos of the great leader Kim towards the west. The 152 failed to fully detonate but still stunned journalists in the near vicinity many now have brain tissue trauma injuries making simple things like going to the shops for water difficult as they return with tins of beans. Still they're capable of basic tasks like spotting for Bon Jovis or basic hauling equipment. Kim has never been fitter nor smoked so many Rothmans Regal and a pack of king sized rizla. > > And Prometheus formed them out of the special red clay with ladyparts which Zeus found exceptionally stupid but you gotta work with what you're given. > > I trick them too I have stupid child too hahaha! If only I new mathematics better. Here we know the two endcases (1..n)=1 and ((1)..(n))=n! but ((1)..(i,j)..(n)) for some i,j? j only exists as an option following i > > Dear Taliban, Please erase this half world of suffering both for you and for all the non teachers out there. Stop breeding it only makes more teachers that are ineffective in raising the IQ of the masses. Alternatively massacre them all. > > You ever sit on a chair and think hot dang I could get stoned in this chair? Because edumatative. Just car done. And for our biblical brethren out there Job 9: 3 Though one wished to dispute with him he could not answer one time out of a thousand. Ew! > > If I was stupid Ken i'd want to be clever or have clever kids. Maybe with a bit of luck. Forgot the wind cheater the cagoule pop in to Oxfam is the advice. Lets get biblical Ken. Job 8:16 "He is like a well watered plant in the sunshine spreading its roots over the garden." I experienced that too with a plant moved to another place its all there Ken. Matthew 6:29 "Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of these." The nudism of the plants again Ken. > > Pocketed the small straw of sugar as a good luck charm nobody saw. Meal with the kids and porridge. What flavour were the crisps? Sisters. Who'd want brains? Factories. Are you high? The app. One click away. Looking forward to the battle of britain parade. Hold the dog's paw against the screen failsafe. Bible compared against massive word frequency list. Teacher on the phone looking for a job. Drrrr drrrr submachine gun. > > Nick Frost Frosty Frosto A slice of fried gold. Cheffing. Popular with the crips of new york. Never meet your heroes. Why? Never mind. Writers of the fast show case in point. Looking forward to the battle of britain parade later today. Bins closed. Nothing serious just very large auto compacting bins with a relatively small bomb hole. Entertainment section. Alcohol? We all saw the guy in hot fuzz. We all saw Moz. If he wanted to advertise spliffs he would have done. Damage done. > > There was a woman with a field > Horses and clover did it yield > For want of a fag > She sold all and the nag > But the money went all to her lover. > > A farmer seemed sore destressed > The land agent now pockets the nest > She wanted a photo > Next to Big Ben and Toto > But vanished in relief of the blessed. > > The devil gets his lackey to play > The phone rings its g-d to this day > What are you doing? > You're messing my stewing. > Its impossible the lackey did say. > > Whilst reading the screwtape letters I find myself next to those juveniles cramming for an R.E. exam divine power - muhammed - the latest and greatest prophet - luckily their religious hijinks have been scuppered by my attempt at putting pen to paper taking a break as they have to so called run about. > > Operation jelly baby a mixed success. Forward planning suggests stupid people who have their plim obviously they all do now where was I beautiful service all the RAF cadets the leadership and 'erroism of the flyboys dying in the uncharted air plu nimbus ad astra indeed. Just reading pornos now probably safe. Babylon dust all over me. Demure. > > If I stay in your carpark overnight but during the night get up to wee what are the chances you'll do a youee in the carpark? Thanks in advance ramah snoff. Eat in of take out do you want a receipt with that I might go fishing later. They can actually fish. As children they were forced to speak by strangers at "school" a fiendish institition of savage intent. Amen sneck emunce. > > Doctors no dice. Lawyers nono diceo. Fishermen plu nurinum et brutus. Just phone a farmer and ask him a questy. Ad billum sam oo yump. > > Everyone is taught to behave the same way in public. No public denouncements! Reading out loud from paper the thoughts of the great leader! ker pow! b'flem > > One village takes intelligence test. One village eats western breakfast biscuits and cakes like french toast then do intelligence test. Some cheat but only brainy ones cheat by guessing answers. Then we remember we ask everyone to write essay on future of china and this experiment we explain because Muslim must be able to read and write? S'plam ogg. > > Gemesis 21 1-13 9 but Sarah saw that the son whom hagar the egyptian had borne to abraham was playing > Luke 1:26 > Psalms 84 85 and 86 protect us from tarzan? Wrong judgements? Nothing much in the book of common prayer the little book of psalms like one of the bibles not destined for the reference shelves of the library forever. Anger becomes heresies but from the Lord? Still maybe just maybe a prophet's wife will give birth one day. Amen. Bliz un fram. > > You want to be impregnated by a prophet's sperm? Come to i-sperm the people with the dream. Effzon mump. Between you and me if they've got a few years in 'em after we die whatti say? > > Professional manual labourer dwarves intelligence esteem bug fixed. Lower intellect dwarves no longer breed prodigiously. Professional teacher dwarves given more VIP as benefits breeding dwarves. Prophetic dwarves migrating to hangman duties bugfix. Medic dwarves with extra children overwhelming fortresses are ghosted into historical status. > > Success at last in the quest of quests through scientific endeavour the people's republic of korea has successfully cloned a prophet. > > Geometry and Light the science of invisibility. Leonhardt and Philbin. In their work Pleonharp and Phlegmbin dissect contemporary mores within the milieu of a second degree university course in optics. Beginning with the basics of sight we consider the refractive index as a mode from which the dialectic of experience is mediated. Moving swiftly from this as warned the expectation is the student has a priori knowledge of Maxwell's equations. > > The publishing industry is agog with the news that hugh edwards' lucrative autobiographical contract has been won by John Wiley and sons hitherto known for their expansive 'for dummies' series which looks askance at the world of intellectualism to deliver a series of punishing blows to everything from java to lava and beyond. The book is expected to lift the lid on adversarial networks the architecture of spanish futurist gaudi replete with over one hundred illustrations. > > Raise a glass and make a toast to the great leader. May g-d bless him and keep him and his daughter. G-d protect us from wrong judgements! After the destruction of the Americams will come the destruction of the Muslim races. > > See my country "dis-amisso". > > Forced to drink beer to conform to somebody else's norms. Like a broken down japanese salary man overworked and expected to get mashed in a karaoke bar with his workmates missing the last train home slumped in the streets in his suit waiting for the morning rush hour. why oh why? And the cutty sark took tea not sugar. Amen. freg ch'elisp > > Andrew Stanton writes with different voices in his much awaited foray into the adult bookshelves. Solong Mr.Gum hello Benny the Blue Whale. The whale that swims the oceans with a very small penis. The book delivers what kindle users hate - notes that bisect pages and for lovers of the minutiae there are footnotes galore as Pantson duels with his alter ego somewhat perplexingly referred to as chatGbt. Grantston is a well known pedophile. > > Here have five bucks for your trouble. Have a jelly baby. Lets have a good old knees up round the piano. Rising bollards in the road. Dad! How do you get this one to go up? > > She plotted her course on the charts > By practice and discourse of arts > Up on the jenny > She was shagged by a ferry > Now she never does anything by halves > > date event sexual activity > 18/09/2024 > 19/09/2024 > 20/09/2024 > 21/09/2024 > 22/09/2024 > 23/09/2024 > 24/09/2024 > 25/09/2024 > 26/09/2024 > 27/09/2024 > 28/09/2024 > 29/09/2024 > 30/09/2024 > 01/10/2024 > 02/10/2024 > 03/10/2024 > > phi(n)=k where n equals the number of days from this date and k is the number of "events" in this date range so for example phi(0)=1 > > The Importance of Being Earnest. Wow. Like critique. Wassup. > > Toilet tea. > > I carry this bicycle pannier around. They don't know I've got a bicycle. I get the last laugh. See Luke (?) Jesus was brought along for the standard admin when some guy took hold of him and said many things about him for he had been told he would see the messiah before he died. > > Never meet your heroes heroes like Clarkson the pub owner. Just a few freaks out in the streets hence muslim garb i expect. Clarkson the method actor. Low intelligence levels the norm in prisons. O'friel's book."nod your head nod your head just like me. Shrug your shoulders shrug your shoulders just like me. Pat your knee pat your knee just like me. Clap your hands clap your hands just like me" meet me in my place of business walk through the girly bar. Walk (?). RAF cadets in church plus italian contingent. He blows his nose into an elastoplast so its italian anyway. Plus night witch breaks. > > Peace breaks out in the middle east as drunk jewish negotiators hammer out a deal. Very stupid people find it impossible to act stupidly new report suggests. > > So this guy he's a wise guy so he he should get himself a crew. Working down the docks? What kind of life is that? So anyway its a film about showing respect. In England. > > Within a die can form a diamond so within a ham can form a hammond. > > Dear Hattrick Productions, > Laid up in the van with a headcold. Large contingent of what I took to be Italian teens arrived unexpectedly at the cathedral service. Rather grim seating arrangements. The only male of the outfit sitting next to me leaving the alternate side devoid of company. On more than one occasion he turned his head fully in what I consider to be an amusing but undignified attempt to provoke me into considering what manner of statement he had heard me make. "You've got tits" I couldn't fail to point out. Twice he either gathered from a pocket or turned around to mime to an acquaintance behind him he was in need of a tissue but all that was forthcoming was only glimpsed and of the size and dimension of a sweet wrapper yet barely audible. The female in front and to my right was wont to peer behind her using the usual articulation of the neck yet overly much. At a point wherein I discerned it would be advisable to remain seated despite the overwhelming decision of the congregation to stand my next door neighbour cajoled with a motherly hand those who deemed it prudent to do likewise. So in fact we all stood to attention in a most agreeable manner. The issue of the young malcontents groin thrust as he adjusted his posterior only caused me to consider the wisdom of his short haircut as to that of the royal air force cadets that made up much of the human presence in the church. It only remains to remark that since I remained seated for the duration of the organ music subsequently I had little opportunity to perceive of any supervision of the adolescents outside of that provided by the medieval builders of long ago. Suffice it to say Satan was little mentioned "for those in peril on the sea" was sung although the words more to accompany a theme of flight. "Do not stand up but circle behind them" is the good bible's take upon the matter by way of a moral to the tale. Well god's speed to you and may you as I do in carrying bicycle lights in lieu of a dalliance with the fairer sex. Having recently observed students at large I take from the experience not only the Beecham's liquor 19% abv but a most condescending attitude garnered from a discourse upon matters of law with a female constable of the flesh which continues to affect such that the perception of a jovially clad student who in all honesty considers the malapropism of gaiety towards me alluring to be met with a quizzical look maintained alone in the eyes. And so good day. > Daniel > > Is it at all likely that alcohol becomes active only between certain hours of the day? > > We roll up to the winnebago in the morning we leave the engine running we sit there looking at the smartphone. We turn off the engine eventually we get out of the vehicle and check our phone. At this point its possible to observe that the phone is switched off. > > Ecclesiastes 5: When goods increase, those who eat them increase; and what gain has their owner but to see them with his eyes?" > for he that sayeth what doest thou with thy feet that thy wouldst with foot a penny for the tallyman bring? Nay 'tis no coin but a pheasant plump for the table mine oik. > > Descartes I think therefore I am. The demon bent on deception. The number line was first shown in print by John Wallis in 1685, a contentious and recent invention prompting Newton to produce perpendicular lines to form a quadrant graph. A curious history of Joel Levy. > mathematics. Phi(n) the number of primes less than n. > > guy sits next to me mind if i play? Wha? mind if i play he says i'm a recovering alcoholic on the flu medicine these past few days i thought i had friends. Issues with volume expected the note to be higher Chris. Come give me a hug like its your birthday. Followed by mother was a tailor. Life story already. > > How to talk to pregnant women by Dr.Jesus. > > "Also Human. The inner lives of doctors." Caroline Elton. As a doctor if i'm not catching falling people or protecting people from wild animal attacks I spend my time sketching the various stages of pregnancy in the fieldmouse. > > "How to talk to teenage girls." As your tour guide/teacher/legal guardian if I freeze motionless its part of a training exercise. see Donny Darko. > > Basic numeracy for the clergy. Ezekiel 55 I ask you. A special harvest festival service. A farming story. Well er it all started this time last year when er the ground was too er water there was too much rain for the machines to get onto the land. So the crops were left on the land until er the ground came right which it never did which was a lot of work for the farmers feeding cheshire and er keeping the land for the people er enjoy its land then then this year some farmers got 20% of the er yield which was a lot of work for the farmers as they waited for the weather to come right. and gin. thanks for the offerings. see Isaiah 55. > > Excuse me have you thought about having an abortion? She turns her head and mouths "no" Wow like its real. But security keeping watch. > > Gin? There's kids leading prayers its harvest festival and some psycho gets up with a hysterical high voice giving thanks for all manner of vegetables and gin which is going to be auctioned later to help the homeless. I am a recovering alcoholic. > > Going back to hotel room. She prepares the drinks...Then nothing wake up she's gone she took everything. Be careful when go to Thailand! > > As somebody our focus group has targeted as durably imbecilic and as such a consummate onanist would you like to vet our new 2000l (litre) capacity portapotti? > > Historical child abuse in Israel? Guns going off in civilian's hands in Israel? Knife attacks in Israel? The money went missing its tax fraud in Israel? Almost continuous armed conflict in Israel? Woman with twins (?) in pushchairs talking to the cashier "they came as a surprise" cashier sounding quite retarded talks about you can't get them on the internet but if you could its free delivery. > > Juicy Jetby dindernt wanna lotta kids. > > Is that your friend? Parked across the drive? Funerals funerals when I die I want you to have the house? The one who arrested you in "lidl"? Seriously the out takes to this show are storm. Nhgggrm bleerggg tissue on the head kids sedated obviously. > > Clitorectomy? The pill? Are the Japanese all clever? I tried the cannabis angle they just stared at me. (We sent all the good doctors to the gulags) > > What about rats? Or a chameleon you put it in front of the telly then wait to see how long it takes to change colour when you change the channel. Or a zebra? (Outnumbered.) On this tour of the Victorian sewers I often get asked whether theres anyone down there selling cannabis and I say to you you can rest assured nobody will pester you to buy cannabis down there. > > Does cannabis make men inferrile? Is it lucky to have a case of wine in the boat when crossing the channel? > > As a prophet like what you are I often get asked Prophet what whilst of yonder footie of game? So I tellst unto them. Then they say unto me prophet as thou are firing of blanks into mine wife canst thou leave off? So I sayest unto them nay! And givest unto them lecture on computing as I livest my life this way. > > How to be like madder than that! How to be loco! You can't teach the kids but I can. Thanks be to g-d! > > Have you seen her in her cosplay outfit though? hot dawg! > > Airbrushed from history during Stalin's purges. Shot just for appearing in a press photo next to one of those traitors. > > James May we all luv im Jeremy Clarkson we all luv im both have a different take on the booze the sell at their establishments and Islam. Lets have a proper debate with Boris Johnson no he's recovered his savoir faire from that resignation speech he got out of bed the wrong way that day? The only way he can get stupider is rolling in the isles cor blimey misses not half! Seriously the Americans can join in too. > > Boris Johnson sacrificed himself for the cause. To show the dangers of alcohol. Now there is only the deepfake Johnson. > > So yeah the cops are saying I was following these kids and they kept running away and I kept following them and I just know I bit someone oh man. > > Edge of Tomorrow the film. Its like a Bond film with an explanation. Time travel. Groundhog day with aliens. He knows what she takes in her coffee cue spooky music. She dies like he warns her. "Rose" thats her middle name she tells him. > > Props and cudos for battling the onslaught of pro alcohol ads with your quirky youtube offerings taking a sideswipe as they do at quirky little fast food outlets. Shame! Dropped a comment on the send in your own ads offering and it appeared on another video. Cock and balls! > > Cock in your daughter's face ahead by a length cock in your daughter's face winning here at Ascot > > Radioactive DNA thats the worst that can kill you! > > The more the population grows the more people emigrate to another place where freedom is very important. > > These people have the ear of the g-ds to us. > > Tea? Okay wanna get high? (how far to Everest base camp?) > > I used to be scared somebody or something was on deck then I met this African witch doctor who taught me to put these noises inside me as they are ancestor spirits. Happy skiing! > > My father made an exhaust. Do you know the old fashioned toilets with the cistern up there and the pipe running down? Well my father was a sheet metal worker so he bought one of these pipes which had a bend in it just so it could go round so he made a silencer box and he stuffed it full of iron wool. It was so quiet. One time he left the engine running and when he came out to the car park there was a crowd of people around the car wondering what to do as it was locked. They couldn't get in. I didn't tell you but six weeks ago I was told I had bowel cancer. But now after another scan I've been told I don't have bowel cancer. Stage three. It was excessive wind and the doctor said it was a heart attack. > > Why as someone who's very laissez faire what will be will be these things can happen do you support prisons? > > What is the correct % of the population in prisons in America to get the balance right like in China except more stratified? > > What exercise regime were the writers of Peepshow on? > > Lets pray that the solution to EHS is the same one as the Stork delivery. > > Terminal prompt? Lets let that one ride so these videos where do you find them? Well the guy who overwinters in the arctic circle just appeared as a suggestion from the videos I'd watched. The ipad is uncanny in its next word suggestions. > > What are the chances I would know whether any of the staff at my primary school were convicted for violence against pupils or even convicted pedophiles? What if it was my testimony that they admitted to? Is the answer the Audi A7? > > Mentioned the Audi A7 to Clarkson. Only in passing just in case as writing?? Erm. Turns out it does have an engine I can vouch for that or electric cars are pointless. Anyway a few years ago you appeared in a youtube commercial with james for his gin. Geddit? "Gin" Botanical notes has he lost his mind completely? Anyway its a much longer car in the flesh rather like the jaguar e type concept. > > Is it fictionalised versions of famous people deepfakes that you can meet that are selling "gin" on youtube? Is it better they are drunk rather than accusing former teachers of sexusl abuse in a show trial where the accused admits everything. What then of prison or punishment? > > We dress up in ferns and heathers as a troupe and we carry a papier mache crocodile around on matting. > > You really get beaten with a stick as a pupil in african schools. You get a stick as part of job training. Nobody we have ever spoken too mentions anything about sex attacks. > > We insert a news story about phantom pregnancies into the beeb radio news in order to spark a national debate. > > "Kicked out of sixth form college" went straight to the boozer. So leaving Carlisle indicating left go straight on through the long low tunnel of trees along the straight roads hastily spread upon the ground past the farmer desperately brushing a large gravel deposit into the verge and onwards past the cold war bunker hatch danger deep water it says taking a left to Keswick. > > Radio news broadcasting. The voice of reason. The skinny. Pick a news item from the internet rest assured. For example exploding pagers. It was asteroid impacts. The importance of being Ernest. > > Plastic side release clip fell off bicycle pannier. Detective work suggested inside van somewhere. Purchased spare. Original found in van in footwell where pannier stored. > > Your facebook page links to Hizbullah. Here let me get my homey listen to this your facebook page links to Hizbullah. > > Mafia control of funeral homes in Italy. A small history of organised crime. Nice field overgrown few small trees. Ecoburials dump the bodies in with the silage and get a made into part of a brick pyramid by the KLF. Ancients of Mumu. Serious point restaurants. Ego Ronay chef chained to an oxygen chamber converted caravan hauled across the high Andes. > > What's that at my 8 o'clock? You're a leftie you see them looking to their 2 o'clock. Like Boris he resigns he looks a little petulantly of to that angle. > > The Best Model of Europe what a youtube extravaganza straight from lloret de mar. Contestants from as far afield as the Phillipines joined in with Rumanians and surprisingly some would say Belgians vied for supremacy in a swimwear fueled contest across three age groups. Immaculately compered memories abound with much of the introductions being in english - she has 14 years older! Is food available at the event? I find I need food every few hours or so to perform basic activities. > > Dopamine high from the exercise. I get nothing from these conversations anymore. Electro stimulation of the muscle groups whilst on observation. > > T.O.S. terms of service. Youtube community guidelines. Abide by the rules of the community. There's kids behind you! > > St.Loco at your service to teach your 3 (?) kids how to be loco. Terms of service. Community guidelines et cetera. Two kids. Three or four possibilities? How to have kids for dummies. Go spare on the phone in a different language hiding behind tree when out without your kids in tow. > > The division of labour. Why read? will self "Debord foretold a future in which a financier can be a singer a lawyer a police spy" > > Congratulations on the wikipedia entry. May we disagree in regard to mathematics? I hope your latest book wholly encompasses issues of modernity such as those members of the intelligentsia overflowing the sperm banks in the hope beyond that of education of elevating the ranks humanity beyond that febrile state they encountered in their childhoods. Being less likely to be imprisoned one due to brains and lastly due to an accident whereby as a precocious child I was observed by those in heaven as both infertile and as such allowed to indulge in any manner of manslaughter allowed through the wartime rules of engagement I worry overmuch about the boys. With the Japanese prime minister gloating over his airfix collection can we really be rid of the stork so easily as to enjoy those passions of childhood? > > Dopamine high from the exercise. I get nothing from these conversations anymore. Electro stimulation of the muscle groups whilst on observation. > > T.O.S. terms of service. Youtube community guidelines. Abide by the rules of the community. There's kids behind you! > > Breakfast of Champions. Kurt Vonnegut. If he isn't appearing in his own books with g-dlike powers of prophecy he's mixing it with the actual prophets with his tongue in cheek humour but hilariously getting it wrong time and time again. Note unsuitable for minors. > > The Magic of Science. Richard Dawkins. Origin myths. Newsworthy. > > This dog has a teaching degree. It knows the difference between orienteers and people out jogging. Behavioural change notification. > > The nursery rhyme "The people on the bus are fast asleep fast asleep all day long." has long since lost its lustre with people attempting a little snooze in the library or the cathedral challenged as to their health as everyone in Britain by law closes their eyes before death. > > I go by many names. Jacob Aaron Paul Danielty. The island is a kind of bookshop that gives away books and the people there are always wondering what Jacob is going to do or complementing each others clothes. > > The censorship of news items in China is a breach of international trust. Nitroglycerin in pagers from Taiwan detonates in Israeli plot to defeat terrorists! > > The over the counter fertility supplements racket. And more. The funeral business. Gyms. Tinfoil helmets. Have you seen the paper? Brants the gents outfitters has been flooded causes by rodent damage to the damp proof course. > > Acting frightened. > > What you gonna do? They have the sons they battle you have the daughters they have the sons? Its a free for all like she says g-d bless you wanna live in North Korea? Capturing the Friedmans. The McMartin case the Zirpolo apology the singing that happened the laughter of the questioners at his denials. > > You have chains around your neck. Chains put there by the bank manager the landlord the man. You need to break those chains around your neck and confront your boss with emotional dispute. Then we go to the top. Full control over society from the top none of this the teacher's a pedo from 1950 none of this freedom to send nukes and no opium and sugar neither like the Auzzies got. > > Consternation amongst those milling about outside the choir as the great and the good assemble for the holy selfie. "White sands" the missile base she echoes never was the same since hearing the question. So the fool attempts the same shenanigans its like stepping on a zip tie no doubt they're called cannons for a reason. > > How to be an Actor. Extras whole chapter. Gervais this Gervais that. Gervais welcomes the Israeli reconnaissance in force into Lebanon. Emmanuel Kant the transcendental deduction A and B. What? Where's the evidence though? > > Personal mental health issues? I go to church. I go to cathederal. Just last time three cannons were inaugurated.Yes you read that right.Three. About as historical occurrence as the reformation although some may raise a finger and say Bishop Mike what about the 1725? Bruno Let me be Frank. I'm thinking of adopting. Also boxing gloves and body doubles. > > Muslim is very serious religion. Like Hindu. I have new religion too one that maximises childbearing potential of man and woman. Maximum serious! Maximum serious with children! But on planet Blemfontane there is man's bedroom and woman's bedroom and the Erm Buzzer that you must get past to get into either. Everyone's father in Blemfontane is happy when his child visits but everyone's mother requests appointment is made. > > There is a tube closed at one end that is to fit onto a cylinder. The closed tube that is to fit onto the cylinder is too long for it will rest upon an abutment wheron it is placed. Thus the LORD who is all knowing bestowes upon you a long life that you be satisfied for how shall the closed end be attached again? > > Teenage girls move seats away from me when I write. "Your patient is worried she can only write after she smokes crack" Dimensions of Freedom. > > The zippotanians have taken over. Unless you are childish you are executed. No exceptions. Okay mathematicians and prophets are the elite class that rules new zippotania. No arguments except about Israel. > > The McMartin case. Years later one of the accusers recounts that he was laughed at if he said nothing happened to him. His mother even sang a song about the abuse. Video removed from watch history. Jesus Christ! she hisses as some teenage boy surprises her in the library sitting between. This morning bright sunshine. Fisherman there as usually usual. He takes a walk along the edge of the carpark. No sign of the young kayakers who so bravely set off to shouts of alarm in the night on the river swollen by heavy rains wearing luminous headgear and accompanied by responsible adults. G-d is an Octopus. Ben Goldsmith. How about digging under the neck if the pickup truck is too heavy to lift. Anyway she's dead and any passing references to tea and coffee are as normal a backdrop as early morning sunshine. The tracks tell a different story. The children are at the baby and toddler's group in the library. Just the one child per mother except for those two in matching brown t shirts there sitting on her own a Chinese woman sans baby on the knee. Her child probably the eldest one alone near the middle of the group sitting contentedly next to the brownshirts. I glimpsed my father's study which looked like it had had a makeover propelling it into the jet age. The strange parcels neatly arranged but overflowing with their rectangular contents would have made strange bedfellows had the door opened further. Maybe somewhere were our model airplane builds or waterline battleships. I never worked out how his gloucester biplane had working wheels. The japanese prime minister is proud of his model collection the press photo showing him with a large box with a picture of a ship adorning it. Nobody rattles their sabres. Thanks to Lindybeige's wartorn pal for the water and beans anecdote of an earlier time. Eloi eloi Jesus cried on the cross. G-d my g-d. During the intercessions the vicar reiterates. There are some women looking on from the distance. > > Teenage girls move seats away from me when I write. "Your patient is worried she can only write after she smokes crack" Dimensions of Freedom. Billy Bragg. The Reactor. Nick Blackburn. > > He has eight children and counting. He married a Rothschild. His eldest daughter died in a farm accident on a quad bike or The Mule a slow and steady pickup tipped by mad driving by the deceased. May her memory be a blessing. He is a staunch advocate of rewinding. The children are from the heavens as are the dish and potatoes. True or false? > > Breakfast of Champions. Kurt Vonnegut. Have you ever though you were the only guman being with free will and that everyone else is a robot? see story written by the father. The wheels and springs rolling against the kerb. He ran out of that lift. Plus a few pictures. Half beach sailboat half body. > > Fish. Fleets of fishing vessels scrapped for matchstick woods. Farmed salmon. Chinese megatrawler finds the last fish. > > 'steroids. WW4 fought with sticks and stones. > > Large mottled striped feather floats down in front of the bicycle. Iron horse adorned. Braves set sail on river. > > I guess he hates cricket now. Picked up the book about the octopus. Peacock somebody said as they walked past. Swearing robot swearing as they are built to do. Japan Russia China. Rules and riches. Let them reproduce with malice of logic until sense overwhelms sense. Peacock? Writing critcism. The reactor. Nick Blackburn. A large feather flickers down in front. Who scans the sky and who scans the earth? Cannabis. Erm. We push it through from outside cannabis. Erm and singing and laughing. > > Did Boris Johnson rer rer resign with his dearly beloved at his side standing by him? Its easier when you're a couple a quote from The Seventh Seal according to the book and his parents met in my neck of the woods. > > Nick Blackburn ayyy Nicky huhh? Sale whaddya know? Macclesfield rugby sevens whatta season one try conceded to Sale Boys. That season one try was conceded to Sale Boys. Great book. Interesting style. In watermelon sugar. Came out of the cells everyone has cancer. So anyways the gambling games on the internet. Blackjack I done the rig up its open season on the blackjack for wise guys capiche? > > Isaiah 24. it will be the same > for priest as for people, > for the master as for his servant, > for the mistress as for maid, > for seller as for buyer, > for borrower as for lender, > for debtor as for creditor. > We're ruined! Came the cry. > The new testament reading begins with Jesus saying that before he has been speaking figuratively yet there will soon come a time when he will not speak figuratively. > > Its golden. Golden is its colour. Its walls are as high as its depth is long. From one wall one can walk seventy rods along the length of its outward facing wall. Along the wall inlaid in gold are the likenesses of three houses. The windows therein and upon the faces of these houses are spires set out from the faces of the houses that are as tall as to reach from the base of a window to a height above the roof that is equal to the window and there are four such spires for their likenesses are set out from the base also. > > Quentin Tarantino or should that be Quentin Tyrantino? > > For kayakers see new moon phase. > > Listening to the choir singing the psalms. The psalm's use of metaphor and simile is extensive the vocabulary is rich the structure of the sentences unusual making the task of comprehension all the more difficult as one error of necessity leads to further errors. May kroom. > > Father was absolutely furious on the way home. We never went to the pictures again. Should have stuck to James Bond ahem. Apocalypse Now. > > You are correctu! Sora the Troll. > > Enemy at the gates. Popular with the homeless. Alright officer I'll come quietly. Nice guy Sam Goldsmith very straightforward. Oh you're here says the fisherman but to who? Mate with the campervan having just left. You keep on farming. Funny faces. Slam dunk. > > We embalm them in an at work setting on death. Such is the power of Christ in us. > > "G-d is an octopus" but you know maybe g-d is an octopus. There is room for 8 hymns on the church hymnboard. This is a thing everyone knows who does computing. Even because eight is a mystical number. When there is a heavy weight to lift make sure of your footing. > > The gingerbread man. No absolutely not. > > Enemy at the gates. For a management spreadsheet. Are you coming here for one of these two ticky boxes? Yeah. Slam dunk! Cue face of concerned incomprehension. > > Misfits by Michaela Coel pronounced? Published 2019. Has no sense of smell. Methinks Raj Patel and the idomethane injection into the O'Hairs? Ran away from Japanese woman after last time. Strobes? See The singing partnership of the O'Hairs Reeves and Mortimer. > > Will Self. Allow me to introduce myself. Gamblino Daniel Gamblino. On the numbers you may have used my app Female Prison. So anyways fuuuuuck! Huh? Adolf Hitlers father capiche? You toucha my wife! She's a whore to you now? Look at the kids eyes really takes after his mother huh? > > Working on the health insurance angle. Dating website. Professional women. Business women. Mob guys connected guys wise guys you name them we put them together. > > A woman got a grant for her workshop > A guy she met he was from Worksop > She picked up the money > He called her his honey > What a look and more from his heart stop > > She points out you must look after your things > After a misplaced call to an answered phone ring > With a ho and ho hum > You're fired says the hoodlum > Its a wait 'til they put on their wings. > > The suspect receives a call > A response to the lawyers and all > You're not being careful > The librarian she dreadful > Both women are ready to fall > > Woman hates job. Lesbians very likes job. In China working at iTunes factory everything you need. > > Close. Real close? That some jive ass talk? Still not 00. > > The Swift 477 campervan in white. Low headroom bedding arrangements over the cab. En suite headlamps. auto headlamping for your 4 o'clock needs. Full engine auto rollover battery fulfillment with new hour lasting technology. Full 360 parking planning for illumination requirements of fellow Swift users. > > Left service early due to middle C overpressure. Routed past organ in despicable din mode. Tourists milling about. Jesus raised from the dead. Dean absent. Donation warning at entrance. > > Operation binman a success operative concealed in carpark bin detonates landmine underneath approaching van. > > Jesus Christ crucified what dead already? exclaims Pontius Pilate. People traumatised by events who to turn to? Toddlers encouraged to chant "western values" as loudly as possible while doing free-ee type things. Shome middle ground surely? > > Christ's been crucified Frank! Oh no! What we gonna do? What are the Pharisees saying? > > We restrict the freedom of the masses. Those that become like obedient robots we shoot. The solution is part of the solution. > > Walliams the Erdos in waiting of the children's book world. Paul Erdos "my mind is open" as is the washing machine. May he calculate the passions of the saints in heaven. > > The first weeks of the pregnancy were OK the only problem was at the end and then there was online. There was the C section and I didn't see him for 24 hours and the family. > > Senior organist at Winchester refuses to wear liturgical vestments. In an escalation of the ongoing war organist Tim Celery wore jeans and a jumper while delivering his jaunty and medieval performance on Friday. Not dismayed the piece chosen for him on Saturday caused members of the congregation to cringe in dismay as the volume wars between the organ and the choir escalated. > > Never pick the best thats a given. Like the two captains picking the footie teams one by one at playtime. What a captain did otherwise I never knew nor who picked them but I'd be one of the last two unless I keep kicked the ball last match maybe or looked super pumped so anyway I stabbed her oopsie class we teamed up at the end you get both of us. So anyways go to mount Sinai and prophecy in the Lord's name as i said to Cilla. Plan that its taking a month or two its a long way and don't prophecy anything that happens inbetween saith the LORD. > > A magazine editor of note > Was publicly branded a scrote > Hit in the brainium > Via bullet uranium > At least all his numbers are wrote > > A poet of rhyme peculiar > Described a mag of numbers odurlier > With funnies and bunnies > Naked boobs over runnies > Book publishing and international revueliers > > What a disaster is the computer > As he kneels getting flustered and ruder > A teacher's erm > Is all he needs to learn > Is the vending machine cheaper than scuba? > > Erm band playing car > Cruises past in the early 'arz > Inflicted on consciousness > Is spondoolicks of lossnessness > They're jiving to music from mars > > Continuing research into possible spying in the area. Quick wash and brush up. Dogs heard barking in the distance. Blended into society. Should I be carrying an embalmed baby slumped in a chest forward position? Woman spoke to me I indicated live in the bin. Fisherman believes everyone is female. > > Man in black invades homeless man's bedding following confession to children's school group. Time 14:37. > > Teacher (?) believes (?) having eyes in the back of your head would (interesting amountanation in the library on a faff finding mission here) help with these ones. > > Here we are dawn on a Sunday morning pure evil. Mushroom season time to forage in the fields. One dawn all the plants gearing up for the event of a million years the sun breaking through the clouds or should that be alien spaceship?? > > Failed D Lock circular pin assembly type. Spy reports gobbledegook phone discussion for later decrypting. Lock spontaneously unlocks. Video of breaking in new combination lock in violation of youtube guidelines. > > In consultation with a kabal of newspaper editors working on a document that appeals to everyone and gets them to all vote the same way. > > Grievest not over the man that prospers in his way but doest evil counsel. Psalm 37. He shall wither even as the green herb. King Solomon asked for what is good and so was granted wisdom and more for his days were extended that he live giving thanks to the LORD. Paul's letter to Timothy. Column. That could be Samson. He peers in reverence at the columns then someone reads the letter and he topples the columns over. > > Ian Hislop in court over attempts to wrest control of Private Eye a.k. his organ from Iane Hisloop. > > Kids > But we don't get a choice > Clothes > Well I'm being quiet here > Hand signals > > Pop pop > Pop pop > Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop > Must be on video. > > The dog wears a muzzle we all can agree its not barking. > > They go into Mackies they never leave Mackies. > > Don Cupitt Sea of Faith Prince of Zion I and I. > > Kurozumikyo: worship of the rising sun. Kurozumi saw all existence pervaded with vitality which he called yo(^)ki. > > The sect establishing that Jupiter visible in the sky increases the chance of meeting a zombie has collapsed due to lack of imaginative enough core religious doctrine for worship. > > Pick a card pick a card here we go wombats and turnips. Difficult opening hand and the action card is looking at faces. Wow. Now form a credible religious movement as always. Wow. Science. You can't always look at a face can you? But wombats can and we know this by way of the great turnip that nourishes. Thus the turnip is hidden behind a great dark curtain. > > Blood doping. I remember well the waiting in line the swabs. All seemed a little too genuine somehow too earnest erm? And the triathlon the ironman competition. Taking a dive in the swimming. > > Morning madness afternoon antics evening excesses nightly nadirs > > Taffle maloo fascist Party > > Using the power of Christ and the power of the holy saints in us we have succeeded in producing many notices warning visitors to the cathedral not to include children in their photographs as Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Friday the church is hosting 130 children. > > You're supposed to like children. Signs up everywhere "beware children". If this is you report to the induction centre as Type I. > > He that sins can be freed from sins under the auspice of Christ the saviour. Even one that has the blood of the kindling sap upon their hands. But of woman there is only suffering and death that she find nourisemt upon the dry lands. They that seek after the sinner for his repentance are found in Christ for Christ died on the cross that we be saved. > > My aunt who is very dear to me mentioned she ran into an old friend of hers. Excuse my use of English idiom please. Well to bring matters to a head there is the badmington argument. We were not allowed to play badmington anymore as I was not a member of the church. So thats the bible argument and I was well a mixed up kid at the time you know. Well one time and one time alone my aunt loses her temper like I lose my temper? Like I lost my temper recently are we supposed to pay lip service to emotion? Sure there it is a flash of light to become blind? So anyways the waterproof clothing racket Taranblino wants out so I'm thinking we gotta do what we gotta do? Excuse my forthright. So anyways as it says in the film "you killed spider" now the feds are following me around like I'm superfly. Whatta I know anyways we gotta compare notes maybes. > > Judge Judy Judge Judith Sheindlin. Even Johnny Rotten gets a lookin with his visual comedy. > > Wandering down to the jetty this morning woman in her people carrier sitting there she looks off to where I used to be as I pass. Two smaller cars catch my attention mental note two smaller cars check inside nobody home. Swinging back from the jetty whattdya know? Two old ladies having a chat by their two smaller cars. Cue reminiscence of the fisherman hello ladies! always cheerful. And his threeways talking to both kinda off THE WAY YOU EAT CHEESE IS IMPRESSIVE! I think I'm turning Japanese. Like they do in the movies super gruff. > > Maybe you've seen my android app Female Prison? Truth be told I haven't turns out it doesn't work like that you see things you never done only it was you or you and your teeth working in unison. So anyway no trace of the app not that it was a big deal it just did a bit of maths. Input a few numbers like 500 women 30 days in a month and 4 days off a month for the monthlies and it would calculate an average like you gonna need a whole floor of some big hotel to house them? So anyways the numbers were a little off a little high I thought, So they never wrote me back google or android or whoever so I sits and waits and things happen and then I look oh dear account closed due to what is called nobody activity if you please. > > Wave of panic sweeps the west as people wake up in the night cold and hungry fearing g-d fearing for their sanity as a nameless enemy waits on the edges of their consciousness. > > Manchester smells of gas. Dangerous gas. Its cold out there in Manchester. Cold and hungry and frightened in the dark. Thermals and sleeping bag and duvet. Travellers rest. They can take the source code of your app but not the app not the apk file. Oh waiting to hear? Waiting for news? Too bad binned for lack of fettling. > > I designed the streets of Gibralta. They're being used. I know they're being used because I wouldn't erode the edges that way. > > Japanese survivors of nuclear attack (?) win Nobel Peace Prize. Man flees from nuclear blast (?) in speedboat despite knife injury to hand. Boat found moored in culdesac in well to do dockside neighbourhood. Long curved serated blade with large teeth used for sawing furniture. Wooden furniture must be made planar. Excesive ornamentation of joints resulting in nonplanar surfaces are to be reformed a process which results in animals speaking. Birds with bird eyes not interested in looking behind them at bird in nest showing egg. Large guillimot bird born to cuckooing parents. Duck sings song about intelligence in cheerful self contentment twice. Man takes cover from nuclear blast (?) in family cellar. Prefers smaller room newly modernised with large double glazing. Bomb effects ramp up in intensity. > > took them to the cleaners. Pulled the plug on the Kino heist nobody showed due respect. Still first spin a winner. Roulette with ornamental flourescent blue outlines to elongated numerals paying out on the lower 2:1 row. > > Playing a little on the online casino sorts out my numbers. Gets the numbers on the level again. Oh you want to make a withdrawal? OK svan of the driving license scan of the utility bill scan of the credit card little photoshop skill required scan of the bank balance OK only joking. > > You want to setup a crew in England? A buncha wise guys? You have to deal with the hindu. You're gonna get the call. Could this be about the NHS. Sure it is my boy! NHS loft insulation. > > Playing a little on the online casino sorts out my numbers. Gets the numbers on the level again. Oh you want to make a withdrawl? OK svan of the driving license scan of the utility bill scan of the credit card little photoshop skill required scan of the bank balance OK only joking. > > Some greaseball shit. Smells of oil. > > Do I have a cold or am I allergic to the weather? Is the anti anxiety medication which was used to render the woman unconscious and seriously affected her health in the french rape case available in your shop? P.S. having all your teeth out might be a better solution than alcoholism. Giving a straightforward reply is like giving a kiss. Proverbs 24:26. > > What of the evil pervert that is hiding in the welsh valleys? Is there no justice are we to surrender to welsh raiders and their mushrooms? Job 24 They have no covering against the cold they are drenched by the mountain rains and huddle against the rock for lack of shelter. They snatch the fatherless infant from the breast and seize the child of the poor as a pledge. Thats enough Job Ed. > > Exquisite gesture control at 16 seconds. The semicircular arc had me spinning like a hog roast. A hog roast! Also keep your hands down. > > Would you like to stock farteze the sleep aid that guarantees a good nights sleep? > > I used to use visual basic but then something changed underneath oh whats it called what does it need? > > Since fresh magic mushrooms are now class A (?) drugs following the 2005 legislation (citation needed) do you instead require Fly Agaric mushrooms for sale in the shop? Fly agarics cemetery fresh to your door. > > If I was like mad and drunk with power and I decided to ban putrescine why would I ban putrescine and esters of putrescine because chemistry. Note entire section liable to be removed. See the creation of a new republic. > > If you ask a chemist a question. A chemist who recently bought a furnace bigger than his fume hood but then his latest video about his new furnace bigger than his fume hood evaporates should you ask somebody else? Lets find out else you will become like him. Answer a dullard in accord with his folly else he will think himself wise Proverbs 26. > > Storyhouse theatre Richard Ayoade great show left leaning I thought small criticism he looked like a girl. > > Succeeded in destroying one of nilered's evil videos by positing a query challenging g-d's relationship with man via the scottish assembly and the book of ester that must be my uber. > > The toilet roll never lies. There it is staring you in the face. No explanation. Except your friend just got the all clear. Its a tough ask. Tough comedy never lies. Wow manchester's maddie. The hard pressed bine. Is that woodbine? New testament reading. Echoes of the conflict in the Ukraine. Too right book of Maccabees thought it would never end. Rap muhammed in the house don't talk to the muslims about fortification. Levenstein distance keep your levenstein distance from those kids! > > Sale cemetery. We climb over the railings bag ourselves a few rawhides. A few of the red spotted. Amanita Muscara. And I am a neater mascara woooo! Seriously "marijuana the truth about" even includes pamphlet about Alcohol. "A small amount of one-off bleeding from the bottom is not usually a serious problem. But a GP can check." NHS result. > > Spare a thought for the cleverest person in the world. Bernard Mainframe. > > The music lag on youtube you backpage the sound carries on then cuts out then starts up again. Pushies (?) tunable pop tarts but inedible. > > I subscribed to everybody's youtube channel in Britain. I'm not rich but I had great fun subscribing to everybody's youtube channel in Britain and I made a lot of friends! > > Long live the ministry of propaganda. Shizzle. Whats a character? Expose more hoaxes H.F. Dark web. 3 weeks. > > So this moo gets virgin moo for three weeks enabling youmoo the video like moo. For apps see Petra Nalevka (Urbandroid). > > So I turn around and its Snoop Dogg in da house! Crazy days. But my phone falls out of my bag which I am using. I have to use this bicycle left pannier for my things. I'm really trying you know. > > They enter the reproductive phase just once for a lunar month through the action of a chemical scientists are struggling to identify. Like the discovery of penicillin which went unnoticed for many years the eel continues to astound us as one of natures wonders in the watery depths of the South Seas. > > Maybe just maybe menstruating women are attracted to groups of teebagers. > > Stand here. Its the arousal routine again checking the plumbing. Bit of a drag roof blown off and the whole place being turned into a creche next year. > > As a child I heard a story about men that when their organ became stiff they had to be with a woman. But what devil would tell such a story to a child except that they were then to find a woman for themselves? I should point out that I spent some of my childhood not as a Jew. > > So I am saying this man and his wiener they don't get along. Like its on a spring. And the modesty of these young women. Look at my dictionary here. Now the law thanks be to g-d for the elders. > > The music lag on youtube you backpage the sound carries on then cuts out then starts up again. Pushies (?) tunable pop tarts but inedible. > > I subscribed to everybody's youtube channel in Britain. I'm not rich but I had great fun sunscribing to everybody's youtube channel in Britain and I made a lot of friends! > > The toilet roll never lies. There it is staring you in the face. No explanation. Except your friend just got the all clear. Its a tough ask. Tough comedy never lies. Wow manchester's maddie. The hard pressed bine. Is that woodbine? New testament reading. Echoes of the conflict in the Ukraine. Too right book of Maccabees thought it would never end. Rap muhammed in the house don't talk to the muslims about fortification. Levenstein distance keep your levenstein distance from those kids! diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/misc/quizzes.html" "usb mini 37mb/misc/quizzes.html" 38d37 < in a cell
44c43 < freed from prison
--- > enemy at the gates
144c143 < scrotland the place where everyone is nice
--- > scrotland the place where everyone is nice
160c159 < wear a suit go to church more
--- > wear a suit go to church more
208c207 < a tribe in the jungle bash heads as part of what they do its a way to
--- > a tribe in the jungle bash heads as part of what they do its a way to
244c243 < all the michael jackson's of his friend were killed that very same day we saw the police there earlier so we knew somebody was going to be killed as it says in ezra the old men who had seen the first house wept loudly at the sight of the founding of this house
--- > we knew somebody was going to be killed as it says in ezra the old men who had seen the first house wept loudly at the sight of the founding of this house
252c251 < have an argument on a trolleybus
--- > have an argument on a trolleybus
438c437 < good enough to be english
--- > good enough to be english
463c462 < open british police stations in china
--- > the conservative party
535c534 < need a medical explanation for invasive surgery
--- > need a medical explanation for invasive surgery
539d537 < a man is near a touch and go killer getting a foot massage
573c571 < feeding the five thousand
--- > feeding the five thousand
614c612 < a dog is forced to touch a telephone
--- > a dog is forced to touch a telephone
767c765 < set fire to them all annually
--- > set fire to them all annually
770c768 < he's parked on his drop interseting place where he goes
--- > he's parked on his drop interseting place where he goes
807d804 < the dove from above
831c828 < after a hard day trying to park in the city centre its understandable to blow off a bit of steam outside your house and praise jesus
--- > after a hard day trying to park in the city centre its understandable to blow off a bit of steam outside your house and praise jesus
843d839 < arson and arsonists
938c934 < chickens
--- > chickens
960c956 < the wasps getting into the ventilation holes of the van you turf one out another comes in
--- > the wasps getting into the ventilation holes of the van you turf one out another comes in
1070c1066 < airplanes
--- > airplanes
1132c1128 < wales
--- > wales
1213c1209 < the inference generator
--- > the inference generator
1224c1220 < england
--- > england
1284c1280 < same sex
--- > same sex
1364,1365c1360,1361 < jesus christ
< plays
--- > jesus christ
> plays
1439d1434 < i don't know where this is going either i'm in the police force somehow
1468c1463 < the police
--- > enemy at the gates
1498d1492 < we're about to release footage of a black person being killed by police
diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/misc/theyneedtoknowwhatititsomehow.txt" "usb mini 37mb/misc/theyneedtoknowwhatititsomehow.txt" 63,64d62 < the police come find a man with a man with an axe in his head he refused to acknowledge g-d he dead already < 181c179 < tee vee comic nineteen seventy two still got the edition in front of me drove me mad all those years ago that cartoon of little johnny at school there he is again on police video camera or cam as its refer anyway tazer the dope smoking entitled youths that used to be scared of going to prison there's only so many police the police are ever going to warrant similar to me never budge an inch never pander to the devil as we've always been taught sure we could write a computer program to parse a car registration plate producing matches for year and nationality we ain't going to and ever since all my nice emails have been returned into the spam folder from that nice man --- > tee vee comic nineteen seventy two still got the edition in front of me drove me mad all those years ago that cartoon of little johnny at school 231c229 < overburdening of the health system a police matter --- > overburdening of the health system 295,297c293 < szeina and marushka continued to meet over the years szeina a jewish woman from nearby eishyshok whom the family of marashka their daughter helped to save from the holocaust the family became so close to szeina they travelled with her as a displaced person travelling with her to poland probably the only jews for want of a better word to travel with a cow so the two spoke in their shared language of yiddish especially to avoid being understood by her ukranian born husband or her canadian born children or grandchildren story abridged from there once was a world yaffa eliach < < when the unmarried daughter of the tailor shlomo the amalekite became pregnant she concealed her condition when her father learned the truth of her stomach ailment in a moment of rage he took a shoelace and strangled the newborn baby the dead infant was placed in black suitcase which featured in the press' coverage as the case of the black suitcase the suitcase was given to the baby's father an eishyshkian shoemaker so that he could take him back to eishyshok and bury him as the baby's mother has asked to be taken to hospital in vilna for her stomach cramps however on the way to the train station the young man was stopped by the polish police the case opened and the baby proclaimed to be a polish victim of a jewish rutual murder with the financial assistance of a number of people in the shtetl the family of shlomo the amalekite hired one of the top jewish lawyers in the country who had defended mendel beilis in an earlier blood libel case but the trial became complicated when the shoemaker's communist connections were revealed and he had to serve a longer jail term than the actual murderer shlomo eventually the father was influenced by rabbi rozowski to marry the mother of his dead child in jail and when he was released he and his wife were able to live a normal life in the shtetl --- > szeina and marushka continued to meet over the years szeina a jewish woman from nearby eishyshok whom the family of marashka their daughter helped to save from the holocaust the family became so close to szeina they travelled with her as a displaced person travelling with her to poland probably the only jews for want of a better word to travel with a cow so the two spoke in their shared language of yiddish especially to avoid being understood by her ukranian born husband or her canadian born children or grandchildren story abridged from there once was a world yaffa eliach "when the unmarried daughter of the tailor shlomo the amalekite became pregnant she concealed her condition when her father learned the truth of her stomach ailment in a moment of rage he took a shoelace and strangled the newborn baby the dead infant was placed in black suitcase which featured in the press' coverage as the case of the black suitcase the suitcase was given to the baby's father an eishyshkian shoemaker so that he could take him back to eishyshok and bury him as the baby's mother has asked to be taken to hospital in vilna for her stomach cramps however on the way to the train station the young man was stopped by the polish police the case opened and the baby proclaimed to be a polish victim of a jewish rutual murder with the financial assistance of a number of people in the shtetl the family of shlomo the amalekite hired one of the top jewish lawyers in the country who had defended mendel beilis in an earlier blood libel case but the trial became complicated when the shoemaker's communist connections were revealed and he had to serve a longer jail term than the actual murderer shlomo eventually the father was influenced by rabbi rozowski to marry the mother of his dead child in jail and when he was released he and his wife were able to live a normal life in the shtetl" 496c492 < you me and the balloons the inmersive exhibition about normality what luck to have a chat and her friend is doing something about the balloons at the moment we had to hire a car to take her there there was this smell we stopped the police arrived and cordoned off we were stuck up the snake pass with no insurance? it cost three hundred pounds we had to get a train and a bus and a taxi --- > you me and the balloons the inmersive exhibition about normality 519c515 < hershey bar two point zero is in the shops now note police are in the muslim shop queing with the mobster energy drink in the hand --- > hershey bar two point zero is in the shops now 716c712 < note note the false head under the policeman's helmet how impressive! --- > note note the false head under the helmet how impressive! animatronic papier mache see totalpap 762,763c758 < stand by lift just walk away as foreign weeb talks to you so begins the game of cat and mouse oh your english is good! note maybe you've heard don't talk to the police here we have a friendly is everything okay sir you know the type of shop or can i look at your jacket? well youi are doing so no < death! by cemetary we eat dangerberries --- > by cemetary we eat dangerberries 1058c1053 < work on yourself growth wes watson these phones they show patterns to my brain in the car turn the page its already filled in but its just been written one blank line note two cars one driver occupant engines running ahead of a road closed between dates and times possibly too then the road bollards raised then a police car did i mention the police are there or thereabouts all day long even to arrest from the pawn shop he stands there outside in a suit looking tough i say hello i raise my hat he doesn't look so tough anymore but these people you have to go in with them --- > work on yourself growth wes watson these phones they show patterns to my brain in the car turn the page its already filled in but its just been written one blank line note two cars one driver occupant engines running ahead of a road closed between dates and times possibly too then the road bollards raised from the pawn shop he stands there outside in a suit looking tough i say hello i raise my hat he doesn't look so tough anymore but these people 1146c1141 < lots of sneezing going on and people in various degrees of spitting note he's talking to the police later wear a hardwearing suit --- > lots of sneezing going on and people in various degrees of spitting 1323d1317 < a cloud punched me plus a police presence the moomins a free concert with two records played at once polka salsa tandy love owe with a bar across and an aitch cirencester design foundation and canvas bag is nothing sacred plus a treasure hunt counting colours on a flag paintbrushes and characters in a story diff -r "usb mini 37mb old/o.html" "usb mini 37mb/o.html" 31a32,35 > ├── apps
> │   ├── animals.apk
> │   ├── app-debug.apk
> │   └── debug.txt
205c209 < 18 directories, 151 files --- > 19 directories, 154 files