reversed order end of diff diffs red eye makeup sharp triangles from the eyes you see what i done to my tongue? she's black with hair tyed back the point of the hairline is only a tattoo she's aware of the issue then he goes mad jumping on something shouting some in the queue turn their heads a few steps we discuss what we're going to do we pay the check in fee in cash a childhood smell a new carpet maybe as long as it starts with an ay like amstrad huh? nilered and the synthesis of a cookie you know he adds the hershey bar mix too pretty good huh? hooted twice by cars as a cyclist on the same stretch of normal road? note its always a black car its that turn thats been straightened out the old road is still there with large boulders blocking the way and a pavement in front of them talking about twice mosh he says suddenly enlivened by me being near him he pointto something over my left shoulder and advances from a lounging position leaning on something wearing a flourescent jacket next time its a pair of women as i use the same entrance in the canal one of them looks at me and complains in a bored and mocking manner which i reciprocate oh great its the sister and her kids there too the older one on her own its been a while to recognise only the younger smiles warily at my greeting the sister is only her size easy task you forgot youir library card get the number get on the internet note have you tried your year of birth? here's a phone you leave the bills to me she used to do her afternoon talk now she talks english and we make contact through some powers of the magician we remove fivety fivety punds via eventually your actual credit card freckles and black hair right sexy real skin job that's back on black spoilt by that cat in a girl honest to g-d them eyes were huge never forget it eyes as big as dinner plates you don't get that anymore your'e just a cat for a while five plus two two two equals nine for the follow the quarry jumps playfully what is? to look in the reflections foster a care for wisdom the dove interests herself in your orchestra we made a go of it we got the hips gyrating good we made eye contact like a quick draw artist i made the play what it is to have a child without sin growing inside of you the kids at the girl's leadership slowly move towards the busker's open guitar case but its soooo cute like she's pregnant again she retreats i don't care you got three dicks in a row i look at your fanny g-d help us you find something to do about sex fifteen make a sexual remark my solicitor has advised me to make sexual remarks so i'm doing my best g-d help us they find something to do about sex there once was a world five little lies jewish studies professor jewish how about getting very upset when the holocaust is mentioned? that's your second string and for your first lets see what's free how about a kneecapping two famous people meet they try to out impersonate each other its the new crime of shlamder mum and daughter having a chat oh look its! behind you don't bother looking here she comes from another angle off they go in different directions into the maze shop check the discount teas they don't sell very well really out of date never no more sorry she says walking past that's fine well one of those wet noses wiping the nose all along the sleeve its still wet out they pop from another shop crestfallen i am oh look over there! what we gonna do they got depressed and made another law again i've got magiced eyes! fifteen okay lets go grab them by the pussy? note is it mister very stern movingthrough the crowds like hands on shoulders? denote g-d help us i get involved with a woman in the sack its a system of nukiteality a one to one system here he comes the flower of american woohoo! youth and here he comes again older and wiser in an outside setting alternatively shout at them afterwards about it being abuse watching the young boy breakdancing with a huge crowd i have to say that a huge crowd a long way away and this older guy too they take turns he's tired he looks a little japanese his old bones in comparison and a shock to the heart young girl walks up puts something in the hat respect due more people join in take a look down the drain my pals depart one waves her phone over her shoulder later on there they are over the road you know these defibrillators they have a phone now thats all to ring up the day he's lurching for my legs but he's on balance to step back tooth missing grin and the outside the court guy barefaced lie my neighbour looks at him redfaced who else could she be looking at? the neighbour who notices the firing oh they all notice eventuially as they leave the church she smiles we clocked each other in the cafe its the apprentice one nigyht stand edition and now he wants to know what i said as they left congratulations you did well thankyou very much he says note he kisses the child's head and ruffles his hair its probasbly not his kid he asks if he can sit down and ignores the response he thinks you said something he's bothered by you looking at people's reflections he's big you gonna get mashed woman in red in the cathedral sitting up in the clergical seats they stand outside for a chat what an idea for the trial to be determined just goes to show what an advance warning can do gave shells tenty onnayardahey he doesn't wear jackets but he does wear trousers he sandpapers the crotch to make the area more interesting to women dragon dragon the voice spoke in the night then i was kicked out of bed and started falling for ages until i kinda borrowed this guy's weed i was smoking weed at the time and it kinda bothered him he wanted his weed back onnayardahey shout at young boys enunciate clearly tee hee o owe o owe who knew the crucifixion could be rendered thusly? as for prayers for the pope and the bishops what a hoot nobody asked me to give a sign of fellowship all the allelujah's seemed a bit much taxes rendered unti caesar no comment easiest response but jesus uses the maliciousness of the question to teach us just here outside the court barefaced lie on the tram you're fired she looks around daughter's quite the tomboy and kicked out of maid's cafe for ill timed firing miss jamaica jimmy cliff the tide is high john holt negrea african dub linval thompspn wolf man upsetters soulfulli upsetters night doctor upsetters kiddy o muskyteers return of django upsetters cinderalla in black augustus pablo the royal rasses humanity u brown ravers party stand there so stand there then its battleships abnd we all join in thank goodness for nabchester council's policy of removing public seating kept indefinately possibly charged with obstructing an investigation its cramped in the back of that van and the guy on the other side of the glass not that big guy shouting about a bowtie and at the boys obstructing traffic no its that staring guy obsessed with his phone now note then he suddenly relaxes like its not such a pain in the ass for them anymore but he can't spell and you can oh joy see outside through the glass out of the van in the direction of traffic flow its all abit different stationside with desk sergeant and his overly deliberate pen some people come out with nothing they got facilities they got public libraries with you name it facilities to access the world wide web to buy a ticket anything somebody fucks up your shit on that software travel changes you travel changes you we know the score went in genpop general population walked out genpop i see them everywhere redheads and blondes can you believe that shit? throughout the generations we're on call fifty seventh street its a map in your head always salsa courses the feds don't like it means we're down with that ship they got your shit buy more shit they got your flowers they gonna look after your flowers they got your condoms fuck them condoms buy your own prophylactics use that stress victims thats all i hear about stay away from swimming pools learn to swim its a drone it videos we film an episode of the show a full length episode drone hovers above the creek and there you are as usual packed in with the crowds having a sit eating nachos like you've got no people you want to go on the run let your people know so i'm talking to these college kids its embarrassing what they have to do to gain my attention what we gonna do we want that magazine ever done real time? youi come out you see things differently you see faces onnayardahey he's got his style battleships dirty protest and he's slim like he watches his figure the boys are back in town kissing the girls wearing the wigs big lads on the bus politicians kiss children bear gryllz bear and company around here somewhere cammo the pen is mightier than the sword here you want pens come to schaeffer best pens for dick shit you want something to write on go fuck yourself seriously do i look like i mean business motherfucker? you want to read go seomwhere else you want to learn learn through dialogue give of yourself fully in conversation and never look back no through road thats a downer you hit rock bottom you got life or you took a life thats all that matters note wes watson keep strong keep big the hatch the doors are open we close them via this handle i enjoy going for walks and being with wild animals sometimes i sees a deer or a roebuck up ahead and i thinks to myself best be careful here gently does it may have seen him before so i gets out my magic snake note apologies to harry potter reversed order