An Alternative Energy Education Method

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Show me, and I might remember some of it. Involve me, and I will master it. One of the core concepts of PicoTurbine can be stated: Tell me, and I will forget. They can see which ones produce the most or least electricity; which ones start up with need of the least amount of wind power; and for very young children, which ones have the most aesthetic appeal. Another project suggestion that the company offers is to have different groups split off in the classroom and then compare their respective wind turbines that they have built. One suggestion of the company is to demonstrate how heat can be produced by wind energy (the company's specialty) through using a "picture wire" for the heating element. PicoTurbine has found that people typically think of wind energy as being "cold" energy, and are pleasantly surprised to see how wind can be used for generating heat in the home. Based on this old tried and true adage, the kits that the company produces come with activity suggestions to get the young people into hands-on learning situations.

Furthermore, during the moderation period when the sea water is surrounding the plant, the enclosed are can be used for mariculture and aquaculture projects such as fish farming. OTEC plants, both open cycling and close cycling kinds, are also able to be utilized for pumping up cold deep sea water which can then be used for refrigeration and air conditioning. In addition to being used for producing electricity, a closed cycle OTEC plant can be utilized for treating chemicals. There is clearly quite an array of products and services that we could derive from this alternative energy source.

The first involves using a closed cycling to generate electricity. "Hybrid Cycle OTEC" is really just a theory for the time being. There are actually two sub-theories to the theory of Hybrid Cycling. The second component is the integration of two open cyclings such that twice the amount of desalinated, potable water is created that with just one open cycle. It seeks to describe the way that we could make maximum usage of the thermal energy of the ocean's waters. This electricity is in turn used to create the vacuum environment needed for open cycling.

In case you cherished this short article and you want to get guidance about zakupy Online generously check out the web page. Solar energy power can be used for electricity, heating, and making hot water. One of these is solar power. For the time being, the resource is a little too conditional—storage batteries are needed to be used as backups in the evenings and on inclement days. Solar energy produces no pollution, as its input comes completely from the sun's rays. However, much more work still needs to be done in order for us to economically harness the sun's energy. Solar power is driven by photovoltaic cells, and these are progressively getting less expensive and more advanced.

Warm sea water found on the surface of the ocean is turned into a low-pressure vapor under the constraint of a vacuum. The low-pressure vapor is released in a focused area and it has the power to drive the turbine. The sea water itself is the driver of the turbine engine in this OTEC format. "Open Cycle OTEC" is not that different from closed cycling, except in the Open Cycle there is no intermediate fluid. To cool down the vapor and create desalinated water for human consumption, the deeper ocean's cold waters are added to the vapor after it has generated sufficient electricity.

However, not all ethanol products are designed to be used as a kind of gasoline. Today, the percentage figure is two percent. These biofuels are an alternative energy source to the fossil fuels that we currently depend upon. The biofuels umbrella includes under its aegis ethanol and derivatives of plants such as sugar cane, as well aS vegetable and corn oils. Biofuels are produced by converting organic matter into fuel for powering our society. The International Energy Agency (IEA) tells us that ethanol could comprise up to 10 percent of the world's usable gasoline by 2025, and up to 30 percent by 2050.

The NREL is set up to have several areas of expertise in alternative energy research and development. It also spearheads research and development of renewable fuels for powering our vehicles such as biomass and biodiesel fuels and hydrogen fuel cells. The Laboratory is also set up for strategic development and analysis of alternative energy objectives through the forces of economics, market analysis and planning, and alternative energy investment portfolios structurings. It spearheads research and development efforts into renewable sources of electricity; these would include such things as solar power, wind power, biomass power, and geothermal power. Then, it seeks to develop plans for integrated system enginnering; this includes bringing alternative energy into play within buildings, electrical grids and delivery systems, and transportation infrastructures.

OTEC is a potential alternative energy source that needs to be funded and explored much more than it presently is. The great hurdle to get over with OTEC implementation on a wide and practically useful level is cost. Ocean thermal energy would be very clean burning and not add pollutants into the air. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) was conceived of by the French engineer Jacques D'Arsonval in 1881. However, as it presently would need to be set up with our current technologies, OTEC plants would have the capacity for disrupting and perhaps damaging the local environment. However, at the time of this writing the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii is home to the only operating experimental OTEC plant on the face of the earth. It is difficult to get the costs down to a reasonable level because of the processes presently utilized to drive OTEC.