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The T2 is sold by Lowe's for around $150. A true bargain. There's lots of drilling and nervousness involved, so be forewarned. It's not that they can't do it, but they're not quite capable," he said. "The quicker the change comes the better."Lowy also backed the introduction of maximum terms for subsequent presidents of FIFA as "not unreasonable", probably at two terms."I think term limits are needed everywhere, because we're not good forever," the 84 year old said.While Lowy noted press reporting of alleged corruption in how Qatar secured the 2022 tournament, he declined to say whether he believed that decision should stand."It wasn't my decision, and it's not my decision. This thing belongs with FIFA and for the time they [Qatar] have it," he said.He did, however, reject the notion Australia should consider boycotting the event in protest."Boycotting wouldn't get us anywhere, and it's not the type of thing we would or should boycott it," he said.Lowy also unleashed stinging criticism of former FFA board member and ex Socceroos goalkeeper Jack Reillyover the latter's claims FFA directors were not fully informed about Australia's World Cup bid and what it entailed."It's easy to speak now.

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