Language Development

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Language is used about the systematic as well as conventional employment of sounds or signs and symbols for the objective of self-expression or communication. When a child can learn a language, they achieve the ability to recognize as well as produce a set of sounds and moreover learn how they can combine the sounds to forms words. They can use the language in communicating with the socially appropriate means and realize a mode of sharing their thoughts and feelings with others. Children develop knowledge in diverse language domains concurrently and also follows that there are numerous ways in which the knowledge in one domain can be used to acquire knowledge on another.

The subject of language development is based on several underlying mechanisms described separately for the diverse subdomains of phonological developments, lexical development as well as syntactic development. On the phonological development subject, it follows the assertion that newborns possess the ability to hear as well as discriminate speech sounds. In the first year of their birth, they become better at hearing the contrasts used in their language and dich vu visa han quoc become insensitive to the acoustic differences that are irrelevant to their language (Ambridge & Lieven, 2011). The tuning of speech perception to the ambient language is an outcome of a learning process whereby infants' developmental speech sounds categories about the clusters of the frequently occurring acoustic signals.

On the lexical development, it follows that the infants can comprehend their first words when five months, produce their first words between the age of 10 and 15 months and reach a 50-word milestone in productive vocabularies at around 18 months of age (Tahriri, 2013). Infants utilize statistical learning procedures, tracking probability that the sounds are going to appear together and as a result segmenting the continuous stream of speech into separate words.

The morpho-syntax development encompasses the ability that children have of putting three or more words together into short sentences at around 24 months of age. The first sentences that children have are made of a combination of sentences of a content word and on most occasions miss grammatical functions words as articles and prepositions and word endings entailing plural and tense makers. As the children gradually master the grammar of their language, they possess the ability to produce increasingly longer as well as complete grammatical utterances.

Ambridge, B. & Lieven, E.V.M. (2011) Child language Acquisition: Contrasting Theoretical Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cacioppo, J., & Freberg, L. (2013). Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind. Belmont, United States of America: Wadsworth.

Cattell, R. (2007) Children's Language: Consensus and Controversy. 2nd edition. London & New York: Routledge.