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There are millions of people residing in the rural areas who install septic tanks in their houses. Most of the people are not aware about what exactly a septic tank does and what should be done to maintain it in a good way. Septic tanks are of two types; cement septic tanks and plastic containers. Cement sewage containers are in huge size and are carefully installed under the ground.

Plastic septic containers are of light weight and these sewage containers are mostly installed in houses where there is no space for large tanks. Drainage containers main job is to collect the waste materials that exit from lavatories, bathrooms, washing stations, and kitchen. Most of the house owners don't know how to maintain the septic tank effectively. Maintenance is very important for its successful functioning.

Sewage tank is to collect all the unwanted waste materials, but all the waste material should not be dumped into the sewage tank. Dumping heavy solid waste materials can block the leachfields or drainfields and lead to clogging. Every container should undergo cleaning or pumping for at least once in a year. Septic tank cleaning and pumping schedule varies according to the size and number of people staying in the home.

Drainage tank holders should not dump heavy solid waste materials like toilet paper, paper towels, sanitary napkins, tampons, cigarette butts, and cotton balls. You should also avoid dumping cooking oils and grease. This will cause damage to the entire system and increases the cost of repair. The cost of cleaning and pumping can be affordable if the tank is maintained effectively.

Generally, a sewage tank pumping typically cost around $75 to $200. Cost also varies according to the size of the container. If size increase, cost also increases. For large containers, service providers will cost around $200 to$350 or even more. If the tank is completely damaged, then they have to replace it with a new one. The cost of replacing and installing a container depends on the local service providers.

You must be cautious in selecting a service provider. There are many agencies that offer all septic services at affordable cost. Before choosing a company, you much enquire about their quality of service from your neighbors. This can help you in selecting the right agency. You can also browse on the Internet and know about the agency. Do not forget to ask them about the discount and offers in the agency. This can save you some bucks from your pocket.

As little fun as pumping or cleaning septic tanks sounds, it is absolutely essential to ensure that your waste management system is running properly. We like to forget about the huge tank, hidden underground from both our sight and thoughts. But I'm encouraging you to take a few minutes to think about your septic tank, and the care schedule you must put into place in order to avoid flooding, damages, and costly repairs in the future. Cleaning septic tanks can be very easy with the help of a contractor, so don't feel alone. They will assist you with all the questions you may have, and also help you put together that care schedule that will allow things to run smoothly.

The first thing you need to take into consideration when pumping or cleaning septic tanks is the location. You obviously need to know where your tank is before you can have it pumped or cleaned. The location of your tank is also very important for a couple other reasons. For one, contractors need the portholes and manhole cover to be accessible when cleaning septic tanks. If the landscaping in your yard near the tank includes bushes, or other plants that have complex root systems, it could cause complications. These root systems can not only make it difficult for the contractor to gain access, but they can also cause damage to the tank itself. Ensuring that plants and landscaping are not too close from your tank will save you time and headache in the future.

Another important factor to take into consideration with location is safety. This applies to the contractor, you, and your family. There are a variety of reasons people end up pumping or cleaning septic tanks-it could be routine maintenance, or there could be complications. Knowing where your tank is, and properly marking its location will prevent accidents from happening and keep you and your loved ones safe. While contractors are cleaning septic tanks, also, be sure to keep all children and pets out of the area. This puts the contractors and yourself at ease that no accidents will happen and everyone will be safe.

The actual process of pumping and cleaning septic tanks is pretty straightforward. A contractor will come in with a large truck that houses a tank, with a large hose, and a variety of tools for poking, prodding, and otherwise breaking up the sludge within the tank so that it is properly pumped. They will use these large metal rods to bust up the more solid matter that accumulates on the bottom of the tank, which then mixes with the more liquid sludge for easier pumping. Eventually, the tank will be entirely emptied, and it will be another 3-5 years before you have to worry about pumping it again.

The frequency needed for pumping and cleaning septic tanks varies from household to household. It will ultimately depend on the number of people using the system, and how much water you use as well. A contractor will help you determine the appropriate frequency for your particular tank. Always make sure to educate everyone in your home about what should and should not be introduced to your septic system-this includes not only inorganic objects like dental floss or feminine hygiene products, but also large quantities of water or oil. This will reduce the chances of clogging, and lessen the frequency with which you must pump your tank. As long as you follow those guidelines and have your tank pumped at regular intervals, everything should run just fine.

Septic tanks are installed in rural areas or for homes where there is no access to the public sewage system. All the waste water that comes from lavatories, bathrooms, washing stations, and kitchen flows into the tank through leach fields or drain fields. After entering into the tank, this waste water will get separated from solid waste materials. All the solid waste materials will settle down at the bottom of the container forming a thick layer called sludge.

Waste water will be above the sludge known as effluent and all the other waste substances like oil and grease will form a thin layer on the water called scum. Liquid waste passes out through the leach field or drain field and it is absorbed by the ground. Flushing out the waste water takes place according to the tank capacity and keeps clean.

There are a few problems with the sewage tank and everyone who owns this system in their houses should know it. Problems in this system arise if you do not maintain it successfully. Dumping excessive solid waste materials can damage your drain field pipelines which lead to clogging or blockages. You should avoid dumping cotton buds and sanitary napkins. If this happens then the waste water will not flow towards the tank. It flows back in the pipes and comes out from sinks and bathroom outlets.

Other problems also arise due to the heavy dumping of oils and grease. If this is continued, the inlet drains will be blocked. Oils and grease are not supposed to dump in the sewage tank and they create huge problems as they are very difficult to degrade and they cause odor problems.

There are few chemicals few people use in septic tank cleaning. Such chemicals should not be used as they harm the bacteria exist in the tank. These bacteria are very helpful in breaking down the heavy solid waste materials into smaller particles. Completely avoid adding pesticides, paints, or solvents can spoil the entire system. Do not dump paints and other solvent wastes into the sewage container. Dispose them separately or in a garbage can.

These are the main problems that occur in most of the septic tank holders. These are due to the poor maintenance of the system. One should at least clean the septic tank once in a year. Proper care of septic tank can prevent from all these issues. If your septic system is troubling, contact a professional cleaning company that can solve the problem at affordable cost.

Cleaning and maintaining the septic tank system is an essential part of maintaining the plumbing system. Without proper maintenance, over time the septic tank will eventually stop working properly and develop problems that can result in damage to the plumbing system that includes sewer back ups, sewage leaching into the environment, and the need to replace the septic system, which can all result in an enormous plumbing bill. When you properly care for your septic tank system, you will not only prevent huge repair bills, but you will also prolong the life of the septic tank.

Below are a number of tips on how to best clean and maintain septic systems:

Pump Septic Tank: Over time, waste sludge can accumulate in the septic tank and eventually disrupt the waste cleaning process. It can cause the raw sewage to back up in the sewer line and even run into the home which can be very messy and expensive to repair. You can avoid this problem by hiring a plumbing service to pump the septic tank. How often you get the tank pumped will depend on the size of the tank and how much it is used. Generally, it is a good idea to have it pumped every 2 years. By doing do, you will prevent blockage in the sewer line, A plumber has the equipment to thoroughly pump out the accumulate sludge at the bottom of the tank.

Plumbing Inspection: It is wise to get a plumber to do a thorough inspection of the plumbing system. A plumber will examine all components and parts of the plumbing system to identify and repair any problems such as cracked pipes, leaks, worn or damaged mechanisms, and any problems with the plumbing fixtures such as toilets, hot water tank, faucets, shower heads, and drains.

Plumbing System Maintenance: There are a number of things you can do all year long to make sure the plumbing systems runs efficiently. For instance, implement regular cleaning practices such as adding natural drain cleaners to the drain using either a homemade cleaner or natural cleaning product available at plumbing supply stores and hardware stores. Once cleaned, it is important to run hot water through the system to flush any residue and organic matter through the system. Also, regularly flush a bacterial enzyme down the toilet which will clear the lines and add bacteria to the tank which digest the waste in the septic tank. As well, make sure you do not put items down the toilet and drains that can damage the plumbing system such as chemical products and garbage.

Drain Field Maintenance: It is important that you keep your drain field clear and flood resistant. Remove any tree roots that are located on or near the drain field. Divert water drainage systems away from the drain field such as roof drains, floor drains, and other water drainage channels that cause excess water to accumulate in the drain field. The purpose is to make sure flooding does not take place which can affect the treatment and release of water from the septic system. Too much water in the drain field can cause a back up in the system. It is also important to keep heavy items off of the area of the septic tank as the pressure can cause the soil to compact.

Maintaining the septic tank system is the responsibility of every homeowner. By maintaining the system, it will extend the life of the system and reduce the number of times you have to call the plumber to make a repair.

Think about your septic tank.

I know, it's difficult, right? Who in the world wants to think about septic tanks-or better yet, what's in their tank? But you wouldn't believe just how important it is to sit down and consider long and hard not only what's already in your septic tank, but what you're putting in it on a day to day basis. We like to thoughtlessly coexist with those big metal vats housing the unmentionables of our every-day lives. But being aware of the workings, the contents, and your septic cleaning schedule is your key to issue-free waste management. The last thing you want is to ignore your septic tank until you're forced to pay attention due to a backup or overflow. So read on, and prevent these problems before they happen.

It all starts with you. Yes, you ultimately decide what does or does not go into your septic tank. So be conscious about the types of things that could be damaging to your tank. This includes almost all non-organic materials. Toilet paper is obviously unavoidable, but other common bathroom items, such as Q-tips, paper towels, dental floss, and feminine hygiene products could potentially harm your system. They could disrupt the delicate balance maintained by a slew of microbes that live in your tank. These microbes cannot break down inorganic matter, so they will fill your tank much quicker than organic materials. These items could also, however, cause blockage in your pipes-which could lead to a backup, and a huge mess for you to deal with. This is not only unpleasant to encounter, but it can be very costly to fix. Make sure if you have other people in your household to educate everyone on what is appropriate to put in your tank, and what is not so much.

After being aware of what you are putting into it, maintaining a proper septic tank cleaning and maintenance schedule is the most important thing you can do for your waste management system. The average tank needs pumped every 3-5 years, and ignoring this procedure could have messy, expensive consequences. If you're unsure when your tank needs pumped again, call a trusted septic tank cleaning contractor and they will help you determine what schedule is best for you-based on the nature of your septic system, how many people are in your household, and the septic system codes in your area. A contractor can be a great source of information if you have little experience with septic systems, or have just moved into a new area. Septic tank codes differ across different areas, and it's important to be aware of yours.

The last bit of advice that will help you maintain your septic tank properly is to not fall into the trap. There are many products and septic system treatments out there that promise you instant results and unrealistic fixes in your tank. They claim that their product helps the microbes in your tank to work better or more quickly, prolonging the period in between pumping. In many cases these products do not work at all. In cases where they do, they often work at such a slow rate that it makes minimal difference. All these products do is give you false confidence that you will not have to pump your tank as often, and it could lead to potential backups and complications. If you feel you must treat your tank chemically, consult with a contractor first to get any possible recommendations he or she may have for these treatments and to ensure that you're on the proper septic tank cleaning schedule.

As mentioned already, no one wants to spend great amounts of time thinking about their septic tank. But as you can see, it's vital to a properly functioning waste management system. A little bit of education and the right contractor can do wonders and prevent serious problems from occurring.

Your home's septic storage might not be a pleasurable thing to maintain in any way but it's vital to do some septic tank cleaning because if you skip on that part, there will come a time when whatever goes into it will start to come back out. That's certainly something that nobody wants to happen, least of all you. There are certain tools as well as products that help in cleaning that you could use.

Similarly, there are chemical that helps specific bacteria grow inside that storage, letting them dissolve waste faster. There are numerous items that you shouldn't put down the drain and these include feminine products, grease, insecticides and soils, among others. Should any of them make their way down the drain, you risk backing your system up.

Getting your septic system pumped is an excellent cleaning method. It's highly recommended that you do it periodically and you can get in touch with the local authorities so you can get the information you need on how to get in contact with professionals who can pump that tank. You can also contact these professionals for periodical inspections or you can do the inspection yourself.

In inspecting it yourself, look for depressions around the area where the storage is. This could be a potential hazard since it shows that the tank might be nearing collapse. Additionally, look for any water collecting any place near the area. This might be the result of some cracks in the tank. The odor of sewage is an ominous sign that the storage might have ruptured somewhere. If that's the case, you should immediately do something about it.

Regular septic tank cleaning is vital for its integrity. Of course, you can get drainage products that can help for a better flow of water. Likewise, there are tablets that you can drop into the storage and they work like an effervescent. They will fizz up while inside it, cleaning up any grime and debris. Afterwards, they get flushed out of the drain pipe.

The proper authorities might recommend that you do the septic tank cleaning manually and this is especially so if you've got a big household. Cleaning lets the sides and the bottom get scrubbed and washed. You can hire a professional to this though so you won't have to. Septic tank cleaning may be hard but it's necessary. You don't want that storage to become a huge health hazard now, do you?

Septic tank systems are common in rural areas. Homes that are not attached to a municipal sewer system use these as a form of sewage treatment. A septic system carries the waste from a home into the septic tank. Regular maintenance and checks are required to keep it all working the way it should. Over a period of time, the sludge builds up in the container. It is necessary to pump out this sludge and keep the tank working the way it should.

Symptoms Of A Choked Septic Tank

There are some distinct symptoms that indicate a sludge build up and you will need to hire the services of a reliable septic tank cleaning company to have it cleaned out once every few years. These personnel are trained in carrying out sewage treatment and pumping. You should call them the minute you detect foul odor in the vicinity of your home. Water accumulation in the yard or above the container is another indicator that there is a blockage. Do not delay in calling them the minute you notice any of these indicators.

The Working

Septic tanks are generally made of concrete. At one point of time they used to be made of metal but almost all homeowners have switched to concrete ones now. The tank is the accumulation point for all the liquid and solid waste from your house. Most of the waste is broken down by bacteria after which it takes a liquid form and moves out of the container. If it gets clogged, solid waste may move into the field lines. This will lead to a complete choke up of the drain.


The top of every tank has an opening or a hatch. This is generally covered with mud as part of the field. The mud around it will have to be dug out to expose the hatch. Inspection must be carried out on an annual basis while the cleaning can be carried out on every 3-5 years. There is one sure shot way of knowing if it requires cleaning. Once the hatch has been opened, the internal height of the tank should be measured. Post that, you will have to measure the height of the solid matter that has accumulated at the bottom of the tank. If this occupies 35% or more than the height of the tank, it will have to be pumped out.

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