there's probably a bunch of ways as of twenty twenty one to write an app for a mobile phone that's running the operating system named after some kind of robot one of the ways is to find on the internet another thing with a larger name mostly the same but with something to do with food that is cooked slowly in water that makes part of a word for where to do this kind of thing urfind it put it on your computer this takes ages thrown everything away in the computer except that that and that try again you need this much space for a bouncy castle in you room it just must inflate itself then deflate itself to make sure it can get through the door once its there sit back and get told all sorts of things are too old for today things that take more ages to get from inside the bouncy castle once you can guess properly which ones to say yes to as it wants to get bigger and bigger as it can so just tell it to get only the ones it needs so you can make a pretend phone on your computer screen for ever phone you ever want to make pretend on your computer screen yes get a mobile phone and a wire for betweens too there are instructions somewhere in the very back place from the bouncy castle find that one place on how to make a very first app these are quite good make something to put some words in it tells you how to get rid of that one its in the wrong place copy it first its called chair number two be careful of that masses of idiotic ways to make the chair press up against dogs then you can run it for checks generate an ay pee kay give it to your friends and enemies all the advice you ever get on how to do something maybe play a sound there are fifteen different people all saying this way works one of them does for you